Execute a PowerShell Command in a session PowerShell -Command "Get-EventLog -LogName security" # Run a script block in a session PowerShell -Command {Get-EventLog -LogName security} # An alternate way to run a command in a new session PowerShell -Command "& {Get-EventLog -LogName secur...
a VBScript file cannot be run line by line. A Windows PowerShell script, in contrast, can be created on the fly as a series of individual commands. In addition, Windows PowerShell has functions that work much like subroutines in VBScript, and that can be created in real time at the Wind...
Typically, those administrators will have differing permissions on the same remote computer and might be working in a restricted Windows PowerShell session.Caution When you run commands on multiple computers, be aware of the differences between the remote computers, such as differences in operating...
Inside the curly braces are actually two commands: The first simply displays the current computer name by outputting the contents of $_. The second is the now-familiar gwmi. The result is a list of service pack versions for every computer listed in the file. All this was done with one ...
Describes a language command you can use to run statements based on a conditional test. Long description The For statement (also known as a For loop) is a language construct you can use to create a loop that runs commands in a command block while a specified condition evaluates to $true....
The value of the Value property is a script that calculates the current annual quarter. The script block uses the $this automatic variable to represent the current instance of the object and the In operator to determine whether the month value appears in each integer array. For more information...
The ForEach statement uses a loop to process each server, ($Server in $S). The script block in the curly braces ({ }) runs the Get-WinEvent command. The ListLog parameter specifies the Application log. The ComputerName parameter uses the variable $Server to get ...
First, I'm opening the files in create mode, which is a system change, so I should wrap that code in a ShouldProcess block. That means I will have an opportunity to tell the user what I'm going to do before I actually do it. (This is done when the user uses either Confirm or ...
You can also use Invoke-Command on a local computer to a run script block as a command. PowerShell runs the script block immediately in a child scope of the current scope.Before using Invoke-Command to run commands on a remote computer, read about_Remote....
Run Multiple PowerShell Commands in One Line If you use an ampersand symbol to separate commands in one line, the following error appears: The ampersand (&) character is not allowed. The & operator is reserved for future use. Instead of&, a semicolon (;) is used in PowerShell to separa...