Learn how to install the SqlServer PowerShell module, which provides cmdlets for SQL features and updated versions of the SQLPS module.
Learn how to install the SqlServer PowerShell module, which provides cmdlets for SQL features and updated versions of the SQLPS module.
Manifest modules: These combines different items to make a single consistent module. For example, a manifest may be used to create a single module out of a DLL containing cmdlets and a script containing functions, and Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility is a manifest module that combines a binary and ...
Import-Module "SqlServer" # Create a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object for your old column master key. $oldCmkSettings = New-SqlColumnMasterKeySettings -KeyStoreProviderName $oldCmkData.KeyStoreProviderName -KeyPath $oldCmkData.KeyPath # Create a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object ...
$env:PSModulePath Output C:\Users\mike-ladm\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\ Modules;C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsof t SQL Server\130\Tools\PowerShell\Modules\ ...
There are two SQL Server PowerShell modules;SqlServerandSQLPS. TheSqlServermodule is the current PowerShell module to use. TheSQLPSmodule is included with the SQL Server installation (for backward compatibility) but is no longer updated.
列表中的前三个路径是默认路径。 安装 SQL Server Management Studio 后,会添加最后一个路径。 要使模块自动加载功能正常工作,MyScriptModule.psm1文件需要直接位于其中某个路径内名为MyScriptModule的文件夹中。 没那么快。 对于我来说,当前用户路径不是列表中的第一个路径。 我几乎从未使用过该路径,因为我用于登...
The release of SqlServer PowerShell Module 22 enables our customers to take advantage of in-place encryption for Always Encrypted with secure enclaves. TheSet-SqlColumnEncryptioncmdlet in the SqlServer PowerShell module encrypts, decrypts, or re-encrypts specified database columns. T...
导入SQL Server module到PS 按照微软的官方说法,从SSMS的17.0版本开始,SQL Server PowerShell module 不再包含在SSMS中,而是迁移在了PowerShell Gallery。那么我们需要从PS module库中导入SQL Server module。需要做如下一些事情 确认NuGet 是否在PackageProvider中 ...
Install theSqlServermodule from thePowerShell Gallery. For more information, visitSQL Server PowerShell. Syntax PowerShell复制 Object1 [ <FilterExpression1> ] / ... /ObjectN [ <FilterExpressionN> ] <FilterExpression>::= <PropertyExpression> [ and <PropertyExpression> ] [ ...n ] <PropertyEx...