-match和-notmatch运算符还会填充自动变量,$Matches除非表达式的左侧是集合。 相等运算符 -eq 和 -ne 当左侧为标量时,如果右侧等效,-eq则返回True;否则返回-eqFalse。-ne执行相反的;当两端等效时,它返回False;否则,-ne返回True。 例如: PowerShell
switch('Word') {'word'{'lower case word match'continue}'Word'{'mixed case word match'continue}'WORD'{'upper case word match'continue} } Output lower case word match 第一個專案不會比對這三個專案,而是會比對第一個專案,而參數會繼續下一個值。 因為沒有任何值可供處理,因此參數會結束。 下一...
當輸入是單一物件時,相符的值會儲存在自動變數中 $Matches。 例如:Get-Process | Where-Object ProcessName -Match "shell" 此參數是在 Windows PowerShell 3.0 中引進的。 展開表格 類型: SwitchParameter 別名: IMatch Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: True 接受管線輸入: False 接受萬用字元: False...
Select-Stringis based on lines of text. By default,Select-Stringfinds the first match in each line and, for each match, it displays the file name, line number, and all text in the line containing the match. You can directSelect-Stringto find multiple matches per line, display text before...
"Microsoft" –match "soft" "Software" –match "soft" "Computers" –match "soft" 在Windows PowerShell 中运行时,前两个表达式返回 True,第三个返回 False。在每个表达式中,字符串后均跟 –match 运算符,然后是 regex。默认情况下,regex 将在字符串中浮动查找匹配项。在 Software 和 Microsoft 中均可找到...
0 PackageManagement\Uninstall-Package : No match was found for the specified search criteria and module names 'PSReadLine'. At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.5\PSModule.psm1:12733 char:21 + ... $null = PackageManagement\Uninstall-Package @PSBoundParameters + ~~...
Thus, the question mark can be thought of as standing for an optional character, so the match is still True even if no character appears in that position.A regex also recognizes the * and + symbols as repeaters. These need to follow some character or characters. The * matches zero or ...
UseExcludeDifferentwithIncludeEqualto display only the lines that match between thereferenceanddifferenceobjects. IfExcludeDifferentis specified withoutIncludeEqual, there's no output. Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:False Required:False ...
$skipUser = $false if( $null -eq $user ) { $skipUser = $true } if( $user.Department -ne 'Finance' ) { Write-Verbose "isn't in Finance department" $skipUser = $true } if( $user.Title -match 'Senior' ) { Write-Verbose "Doesn't have Senior title" $skipUser = $t...
One instance where theregexclass is needed is when you have multiple captures of a group. Consider the following: If the match operator is used,$matcheswill contain Copy Name Value---1 c,0 a,b,c, The pattern matched three times, fora,,b,andc,. However, only the last match is preser...