$MyVariable=$null 若要删除变量,请使用Remove-Variable或Remove-Item。 PowerShell Remove-Variable-NameMyVariable PowerShell Remove-Item-PathVariable:\MyVariable 还可以使用一个语句将值分配给多个变量。 以下示例将相同的值分配给多个变量: PowerShell
Clear-Variable [-Name] <String[]> [-Include <String[]>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Force] [-PassThru] [-Scope <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]说明cmdlet Clear-Variable 会删除存储在变量中的数据,但不删除变量。 因此,该变量的值为 NULL(空)。 如果变量具有指...
Test-WriteError: Line | 7 | Test-WriteError | ~~~ | Bad The $? variable is: False Now the $? variable is: True 出于后者的目的,应改用 $PSCmdlet.WriteError()。对于本机命令(可执行文件),当 $? 为0 时, 设置为 $LASTEXITCODE,当 为任何其他值时设置为 $LASTEXITCODE。备注 在PowerShell...
Next, I perform a quick check to make sure my HTML element references are valid:Copy if ($tb1 -eq $null -or $tb2 -eq $null –or $add -eq $null -or $btn -eq $null) { write-host "One or more controls are null" -backgroundcolor "red" -foregroundcolor "yellow" } else { ...
The first line of this code gets the ID of a particular alert object and passes it to the $alert variable. In the second line, that variable is used to set the owner, and, finally, the update is applied to the OpsMgr database. If you check the owner of the alert with the ...
I needed to figure out a way to load the PowerShell engine. First, there are a couple of requirements to make this all work. Dotnet has to be available, as does PowerShell andpythonnetprovides a way to specify where to look for dotnet. Setting the environment variableDOTNET_ROOTto the ...
The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again. CannotConnect,PSSessionStateBroken Cant access a fileshare through a remote PS Session Cant make work with variable in Get-ADuser command to get UPN Cant return string for msExch...
The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again. CannotConnect,PSSessionStateBroken Cant access a fileshare through a remote PS Session Cant make work with variable in Get-ADuser command to get UPN Cant return string for msExch...
In the last several releases of Windows, we’ve been working hard to make the platform much more powerful for administrators, developers, and power users alike. The only problem is – the red teams are catching on.A Note about Assume Breach In this post, the assumption is that an attacker...