Counting how many times a specific string shows up in a CSV file Counting login failed attemps with powershell Counting number of lines in a csv file but without counting whitespace or newline feed? Counting Specific words in a Text/log file Counting the depth of nested directories Counting U...
So things just got a bit more complicated. What we have to do is read each line of the text file and create a PSObject and add-member for each of the lines, then run ConvertTo-HTML. What you end up with is this code. $SourceFile = "C:\Support\clustercheck.txt" $TargetFile = "...
In this column, I'll walk you through an example of interactive scripting in Windows PowerShell. I will create a script that reads service names from a text file and sets each service's startup mode to be Disabled. What I want you to take away from this walkthrough is the concept of...
The current PowerShell/WPK script requires me to change the parameters, save the file and rerun the script, which isn’t very agile. I’m going to rework it so I can tweak five parameters from the GUI and display new values in the ListView...
That is, I would retrieve a computer name—perhaps from a list of names stored in a text file—and ping the system to see if it's available. If it is available, I make the WMI connection and perform whatever other work I need to complete. This is a common scripting-style approach. ...
speak-checklist.ps1 Speaks the given checklist by text-to-speech. More » speak-countdown.ps1 Speaks a countdown by text-to-speech. More » speak-english.ps1 Speaks text with an English text-to-speech voice. More » speak-epub.ps1 Speaks the content of the given Epub file by text...
So, how do we make use of this information? Here’s a script to create a database, using the server’s default file and log locations: PowerShell #createsimpledb.ps1#Creates a new database using defaults[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') |out-null...
For example, if you click the first icon on the toolbar you can do such things have the data saved to a text file, an XML file, or a CSV (comma-separated values) file. Here’s another example of what the Scriptomatic can do. Click the optionUse All Propertiesand the Scriptomatic wil...
The Get-WinEvent cmdlet gets log information from the computer. The Path parameter specifies the directory and file name.Example 13: Get a specific number of events from an archived event logThese commands get a specific number of events from an archived event log. Get...
When the preceding script runs, the text file contains an additional line at the end of the file. This is shown in the following figure. One way to solve this problem is to use.NET Framework classes, instead of using redirection arrows or theOut-Filecmdlet. To make the change to using ...