In Linux shell: DIR=FOLDERif[ -f$DIR]thenecho"FOLDER EXIST";elseecho"FOLDER NOT EXIST";mkdir$DIRfi How do I make this comparison in Windows PowerShell? $DIRE="C:\DIRETORIO"if( -e$DIRE) {echo"Directory Exists"}else{ md DIRETORIO }...
If this argument isn't specified, the parameter is optional.The following example declares the ComputerName parameter. It uses the Mandatory argument to make the parameter mandatory.PowerShell Copy param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]]$ComputerName ) ...
When you start your function app, the PowerShell language worker adds thisModulesfolder to the$env:PSModulePathso that you can rely on module autoloading just as you would in a regular PowerShell script. Note If your function app is under source control, you should confirm that all the cont...
if ($entry.folder) { if ($Verbose) {write-host ("Found folder '"+$"'")} $NewPath=($path+"/"+$"//","/") $NewLocalPath=$TargetPath+$NewPath.Replace("/","\") if ($Verbose) {write-host ("Create local folder '"+$NewLocalPath+"'")} if (...
Copy folder from FTP site to local machine Copy folder if not exist Copy Folders recursive with specific modicication date/time Copy members from one AD Group to another copy multiple files content in one file with file names copy one folder to multiple servers Copy only new and Modified Fil...
Q:Is there any way to determine whether or not a specific folder exists on a computer?A:There are loads of ways you can do this. The Test-Path Cmdlet The easiest way to do this is to use theTest-Pathcmdlet. It looks for a given path and returnsTrueif it exists, otherwise it retur...
After downloading the script package, you need to extract all the files to a folder on a domain joined computer. For example: c:\script. Run theImport-Modulecmdlet to import this module file: 001 Import-Module filepath\FixDuplicateMailAddresses.psm1 ...
[-LargeItemLimit <Unlimited>] [-Name <String>] [-Priority <RequestPriority>] [-SkipMerging <SkippableMergeComponent[]>] [-SourceRootFolder <String>] [-Suspend] [-SuspendComment <String>] [-TargetIsArchive] [-TargetRootFolder <String>] [-WhatIf] [-WorkloadType <RequestWorkloadType>] [... resources test .gitignore .travis.yml LICENSE pom.xml
Credit:Crissy LeMaire for the C# / PowerShell Icon Extraction code. Hi Mike, Its a nice post. Can we create a shortcut in startmenu for URL and make sure it launches with certain parameters ? Is it possible ? 😞 + Export-Icons $exePath $destinationF...