Since PowerShell conveniently transforms our CSV into an object, we can use theforeachloop to iterate through the whole CSV. Example Code: $csv=Import-CsvC:\PS\sample.csvforeach($linein$csv) {$line} Now with looping in place, we can conveniently process the CSV file line by line and ...
本示例从 文件C:\temp\NewAccounts.csv创建用户帐户,并将结果记录在名为C:\temp\NewAccountResults.csv的文件中。 PowerShell # Import the CSV file$users=Import-Csv-Path"C:\temp\NewAccounts.csv"# Create a password profile$PasswordProfile= @{ Password ='Password123'}# Loop through each user ...
本示例从 文件C:\temp\NewAccounts.csv创建用户帐户,并将结果记录在名为C:\temp\NewAccountResults.csv的文件中。 PowerShell # Import the CSV file$users=Import-Csv-Path"C:\temp\NewAccounts.csv"# Create a password profile$PasswordProfile= @{ Password ='Password123'}# Loop through each user in th...
Now for the next script block. First, import the CSV file by passing the content path to theImport-CSVcmdlet. Then, using theforeach()method, loop through the names and create the new users in Active Directory. # Import list of Firstname and Lastname from CSV file$newUsers=Import-Csv-...
The function will return the output from the Get-WMIObject -Query command to the Export-Csv command so that the Office Communications Sever 2007 R2 user’s information is saved to a file, such as The QryWMIForSipUser function will use a Do While loop structure that...
So what I am trying to do is read the full URL's from the .txt file - then loop through each .html and look for where the text regex in the .html matches then output it to a .csv file. In the .csv I have three fields in the end: 1) The source .html file example: https:...
I've got a plain text file with two server\instance names in it. The goal is to loop through each one, run some queries, and output the results to Excel files. It actually works as I'd want it to, but also kicks out some errors, as well as an extra excel file named _cfr_0916...
With the $users variable now full of users, we loop through each one of them and write their details to the CSV report. This is where we use the hash table we created earlier to write the licenses in English. # Loop through all users and write them to the CSV file foreach ($user ...
If I add other properties, it either doesn't work or it displays like this: I tried exporting as a csv and the location column values showed up as 'Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphSignInLocation'. This is what I have currently: Get-MgAuditLogSignIn -Filter "location/...
The Import-Csv cmdlet reads the CSV file, and we iterate through each record using ForEach-Object. Inside the loop, we assign each value to the corresponding cell in the Excel worksheet. After populating the worksheet with all data from the CSV file, we save the workbook to the specified ...