Get-EventLog从本地和远程计算机检索事件和事件日志(仅在 Windows PowerShell 5.1 中可用) Get-Process检索本地或远程计算机上所有活动进程的列表 Stop-Service停止一个或多个正在运行的服务 Stop-Process停止一个或多个正在运行的进程 Stop-Computer关闭本地和远程计算机 ...
$Log 变量存储事件日志的名称 PowerShellCore/Operational。 Invoke-Command cmdlet 在 Server01 上运行 Get-WinEvent,从事件日志中获取最新事件。 LogName 参数的值是 $Log 变量,该变量以 Using 范围修饰符为前缀,指示它是在本地会话中创建的,而不是在远程会话中创建的。
Get-EventLog从本地和远程计算机检索事件和事件日志(仅在 Windows PowerShell 5.1 中可用) Get-Process检索本地或远程计算机上所有活动进程的列表 Stop-Service停止一个或多个正在运行的服务 Stop-Process停止一个或多个正在运行的进程 Stop-Computer关闭本地和远程计算机 ...
Netlogon RequiredServices : {LanmanWorkstation} CanPauseAndContinue : True CanShutdown : False CanStop : True DisplayName : Netlogon DependentServices : {} MachineName : . ServiceName : Netlogon ServicesDependedOn : {LanmanWorkstation} ServiceHandle : Status : Running ServiceType : Win32Share...
$cred = Get-Credential Adatum\TestUser Invoke-Command -ComputerName LON-SVR1.Name -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Test-Path \\$($using:ServerC.Name)\C$ ` Get-Process lsass -ComputerName $($using:LON-SVR2.Name) Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 3 -ComputerNam...
From a remote machine run the following command, to see who is logged on and, (more importantly get the session number for that user); QUser /SERVER:{Hostname} Above the ID of ‘1’ denotes the session number, select the one that corresponds with the user you want to log off. Then ...
This allows local scripts (but not remote scripts) to run without being digitally signed, providing the easiest way to develop and test scripts. The AllSigned mode doesn't run any scripts unless they've been digitally signed, using a certificate issued by a trusted publisher. Finally, the ...
(PS1 is the file-name extension for Windows PowerShell script files). If files could be run out of the current folder, there would be a risk that you might type ipconfig and run this user created script when, in fact, you were expecting to run the Windows program Ipconfig.exe. Since...
Therefore, if you are a non-elevated normal user, you will not have rights to do things like install printer drivers, read from the Security log, or change system time.Even if you are an administrator on the local Windows 8 (or Windows 7) desktop machine and you do not launch Windows ...
Find, Backup and Delete Registry Key on Remote Machine Find/Replace text in multiple files finding certificate template name thru powershell Finding HTML elements using XPath Finding The Calling Path/Script Name From Within A Powershell Module Function Finding ...