Use the Exchange Management Shell on an Exchange server or that you've installed locally on your own computer using a Management tools only installation of Exchange server. For more information, see Install the Exchange Server Management Tools and Open the Exchange Management Shell. Use remote Powe...
Windows Group Policy allows you to run various script files at a computer startup/shutdown or during user logon/logoff. You can use GPOs not only to run classic batch logon scripts on domain computers (.bat,.cmd,.vbs), but also to execute PowerShell scripts (.ps1) during Startup/Shut...
Delegate permissions to Disconnect and Sign Off user sessions Delegate Terminal Services Rights Delete cached copy of RDS profiles Deleted Collection Showing Up In RD Web Access (Session Host/Remote Desktop Configuration) Deleted MSLicensing key from registry, now can't log in. deleting local user pr...
Now whenusers logons locallyor remotely to computer the following event appears in the Security log of the Event Viewer: Event ID4624:An account was successfully logged on. Or: Event ID4634:An account was logged off. The event details contain information about the username, domain, time, log...
When you open such a log file, for example the locally saved System log, the event viewer will display the log in a separate branch, underSaved Logs. You can use those files for an easy way to back up your event logs. Get-WinEvent vs Get-EventLog ...
Allow log on locally ->Local Security Settings->"Add User or Group" function is Disabled (grayed out) allow non admin users (without being local admin) the rights to install any software they choose without elevation, Not just deployed msi's etc. Allow non admin users access to Color Manag...
# Cartella da monitorare (stessa cartella)$FolderToMonitor="C:\TEST"# Crea un registro per i file già rinominati$RenRegFile="C:\TEST\registro.txt"functionRename-FileMSG{param([string]$file)Start-TranscriptC:\test\script.logif($file-match"\.msg$"-and-not$RenRegFile.Contains($file))...
Delete a partition Create listings of specific user groups Edit groups Delete accounts PowerShell is a flexible, versatile tool, so the list of potential uses is endless. Ultimately, your main limit is your creativity.Git and GitHubcan help with version control and software configuration management...
Hi all, I have used this locally on a device which works : $RegistryPath = "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" $RegistryName = "screensaveactive" $NewValue = "0" Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -... Jul 14, 2023 I added the script to my tenant and deployed...
PowerShell has a wide range of commands, known as cmdlets and functions, that may be used in an interactive or scripted manner. These commands are either built binaries or user-written code covering a specific operation, such as reading a file or pinging a host machine. ...