Create CSV for list of files and folders Create folder with current timestamp using powershell Create folders from CSV create hidden shares and set share permissions Create HTML body from file with variables Create HTML page using powershell Create in memory CSV file Create list of users in the...
Start-Process-Waitmsiexec-ArgumentList"/i","$([io.Path]::Combine($env:TEMP, 'AzureIoTEdge.msi'))","/qn" 您可以將 和VHDXDIR="<FULLY_QUALIFIED_PATH>"參數新增INSTALLDIR="<FULLY_QUALIFIED_PATH>"至 install 命令,以指定自訂安裝和 VHDX 目錄。
Figure 1 Apply a permission for a principal to files and folders in a directory Copy #ChangeACL.ps1 $Right="FullControl" #The possible values for Rights are # ListDirectory, ReadData, WriteData # CreateFiles, CreateDirectories, AppendData # ReadExtendedAttributes, WriteExtendedAttributes, Traverse...
The Recoverable Items folder is always included if you don't use the ExcludeDumpster parameter, regardless of the list of folders you provide. Type:String[] Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False ...
Get-SPOListFileVersionBatchDeleteJobProgress Get-SPOListFileVersionExpirationReportJobProgress Get-SPOListVersionPolicy Get-SPOMalwareFile Get-SPOMalwareFileContent Get-SPOMigrationJobProgress Get-SPOMigrationJobStatus Get-SPOMultiGeoCompanyAllowedDataLocation Get-SPOMultiGeoExperience Get-SPOOrgAssetsLibrary Get...
Create and configure a shared printer in a GPO with powershell Create CSV for list of files and folders Create folder with current timestamp using powershell Create folders from CSV create hidden shares and set share permissions Create HTML body from file with variables Create HTML page using po...
using “. .\SPListFunctions.ps1”), and then call the desired function with the correct parameters. The results are output to the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell window, but could just as easily be written to a file somewhere on the file system if required. I find these functions useful ...
[-IPListBlocked <MultiValuedProperty>] [-IsAgendaMailEnabled <Boolean>] [-IsGroupFoldersAndRulesEnabled <Boolean>] [-IsGroupMemberAllowedToEditContent <Boolean>] [-LeanPopoutEnabled <Boolean>] [-LinkPreviewEnabled <Boolean>] [-MailTipsAllTipsEnabled <Boolean>] [-MailTipsExternalRecipientsTips...
\"DNSServerList\":\",[,]\",\"SharedContainers\":[]}" time="2023-12-13T09:35:59.746470000-08:00" level=debug msg="[GET]=>[/endpoints/b47d71f1-f086-4da3-a79f-04e1a84c94bc] Request : " time="2023-12-13T09:35:59.748277800-08:00" level=debug msg...
modules are addressed by their folders that have the same name as the module itself; therefore, I simply type the path to the shared folder containing the module. The good thing is that tab expansion works and will fill out the path for me (to avoid misspelling of path names). The...