Get-Command [[-Name] <System.String[]>] [[-ArgumentList] <System.Object[]>] [-All] [-CommandType {Alias | Function | Filter | Cmdlet | ExternalScript | Application | Script | Workflow | Configuration | All}] [-FullyQualifiedModule <Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification[]>] [...
api-version=2024-07-01&search=restaurant wifi&$count=true&$select=HotelName,Description,Tags'# Query example 2# Apply a filter to the index to find hotels rated 4 or higher# Returns the HotelName and Rating. Two documents match.$url='https://<YOUR-SEARCH-SERVICE>
filter [<scope:>]<name> {<statement list>} Následující filtr přebírá položky protokolu z kanálu a pak zobrazí buď celou položku, nebo pouze část zprávy položky:PowerShell Kopírovat filter Get-ErrorLog ([switch]$Message) { if ($Message) { Out-Host -InputObject...
($subscriptionid) status: " #get list of subscriptions and filter to the specific ID to see the Status and LastExecuted Start-Sleep -s 6 # slight delay in processing so ListSubscription returns the updated Status and LastExecuted $subscriptions = $rs2010.ListSubscriptions($site); $...
After declaring a variable, I get a list of all the agents on this RMS and filter on the ones that appear to be in trouble. Then I call a task asynchronously that resets the Health Service Store on all agents in the filtered list....
Connect-MgGraph-Scopes'Group.Read.All'Get-MgGroup-ConsistencyLeveleventual-CountgroupCount-Filter"NOT (expirationDateTime+ge+1900-01-01T00:00:00Z)"|Format-ListId 此示例与上一个示例相同,但脚本还将结果导出到 CSV。 PowerShell Connect-MgGraph-Scopes'Group.Read.All'Get-MgGroup-ConsistencyLevelev...
Apps and services Training Resources Free Account Version Exchange PowerShell Search ExchangePowerShell Commands active-directory antispam-antimalware Commands Add-AttachmentFilterEntry Add-ContentFilterPhrase Add-IPAllowListEntry Add-IPAllowListProvider Add-IPBlockListEntry Add-IPBlockListProvider Del...
- MsrcUpdate : 是否在线拉取微软安全中心的服务器安全补丁列表信息(建议一台主机拉取好之后将WSUSList.json和WSUSListId.json拷贝到当前脚本同级目录下).NOTES注意:不同的版本操作系统以下某些关键项可能会不存在会有一些警告(需要大家提交issue,共同完成)。
- MsrcUpdate : 是否在线拉取微软安全中心的服务器安全补丁列表信息(建议一台主机拉取好之后将WSUSList.json和WSUSListId.json拷贝到当前脚本同级目录下) .NOTES 注意:不同的版本操作系统以下某些关键项可能会不存在会有一些警告(需要大家提交issue,共同完成)。
The SCM control panel is accessible via Control Panel | System and Security | Administrative Tools | Services. AsFigure 1shows, it displays a list of all configured services, with their name, description, status, startup type and user name. ...