... Get-Command [[-Name] <System.String[]>] [[-ArgumentList] <System.Object[]>] [-All] [-CommandType {Alias | Function | Filter | Cmdlet | ExternalScript | Application | Script | Workflow | Configuration | All}] [-FullyQualifiedModule <Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification[]...
PowerShell复制 $powerShellProcesses=Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_Process-Filter'CommandLine LIKE "%EncodedCommand%"' 下面的命令创建一个自定义 PowerShell 对象,其中包含进程 ID 和编码命令。 PowerShell复制 $commandDetails=$powerShellProcesses|Select-Object-PropertyProcessId, @{ name ='EncodedComm...
This example processes the files and directories in the PowerShell installation directory$PSHOME. PowerShell Get-ChildItem$PSHOME|ForEach-Object-Process{if(!$_.PSIsContainer) {$_.Name;$_.Length /1024;" "}} If the object isn't a directory, the script block gets the name of the file, di...
For example, the Get-EventLog cmdlet (built into Windows PowerShell) returns different information when the user specifies the List or LogName parameter. When LogName is specified, the cmdlet returns information about the events in a given event log. However, when List is specified, the cmdlet ...
TheGet-Processcmdlet gets the list of processes running on the computer. The process objects are sent down the pipeline to theSort-Objectcmdlet.Sort-Objectuses thePropertyparameter to sort the objects byWS. The objects are sent down the pipeline to theSelect-Objectcmdlet.Select-Objectuses theLast...
Get-UICulture Gets the current user interface (UI) culture settings in the operating system. Get-Unique Returns the unique items from a sorted list. Get-Variable Gets the variables in the current console. Get-WinEvent Gets events from event logs and event tracing log files on local and remote...
Create AD user is sub OU Create All User Logon Scheduled Task Create and configure a shared printer in a GPO with powershell Create CSV for list of files and folders Create folder with current timestamp using powershell Create folders from CSV create hidden shares and set share permissions Cr...
The profile code itself contains useful implementations of common patterns - eg, installing packages, reading the registry, interacting with files and processes. Learning the things required to make a profile you're happy with is a great way to get comfortable with Powershell. The details below ...
Handling Errors from non-PowerShell processes: What happens when your script needs to run an external process from PowerShell and you want to know if it succeeded? An example would be a cmdline tool such as robocopy.exe. It’s an external application that returns an exit code upon completion...
Use this parameter to revert the mailbox back to the Microsoft-managed list of mailbox operations that are audited for a logon type. For more information about on-by-default mailbox auditing, see Manage mailbox auditing. Expand table Type: MultiValuedProperty Position: Named Default value: ...