Get-ExecutionPolicy -List 結果看起來類似下列範例輸出:Output 複製 Scope ExecutionPolicy --- --- MachinePolicy Undefined UserPolicy Undefined Process Undefined CurrentUser RemoteSigned LocalMachine AllSigned 在此情況下,有效的執行原則會 RemoteSigned,因為目前使用者的執行原則優先於本機計算機所設定的執行原則。
Get-Command [[-ArgumentList] <System.Object[]>] [-All] [-FullyQualifiedModule <Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification[]>] [-ListImported] [-Module <System.String[]>] [-Noun <System.String[]>] [-ParameterName <System.String[]>] [-ParameterType <System.Management.Automation.PSTypeN...
# Get a list of commands for the imported Az.Blueprint moduleGet-Command-Module'Az.Blueprint'-CommandType'Cmdlet' 取得藍圖定義 使用指派的第一個步驟通常是取得藍圖定義的參考。Get-AzBlueprintCmdlet 會取得一或多個藍圖定義。 此 Cmdlet 可以從具有-ManagementGroupId {mgId}的管理群組或具有-SubscriptionId...
$private:pVar='Private variable'Get-VariablepVar |Format-List* 使用範圍修飾詞會將privateOptions屬性設定為Private。 Output Name : pVar Description : Value : Private variable Visibility : Public Module : ModuleName : Options : Private Attributes : {} ...
The result is a list of service pack versions for every computer listed in the file. All this was done with one relatively straightforward line of commands.Notice that the –Property and –Computer parameter names have been abbreviated. Windows PowerShell only requires enough to uniquely ...
Get-HistoryGets a list of the commands entered during the current session. Get-HostGets an object that represents the current host program. Also displays Windows PowerShell version and regional information by default. Get-HotFixGets the hotfixes that are applied to the local and remote computers....
Gets all commands. gcs Get-PSCallStack Displays the current call stack. gdr Get-PSDrive Gets drives in the current session. ghy Get-History Gets a list of the commands entered during the current session. gi Get-Item Gets files and folders. gjb Get-Job Gets Windows PowerShel...
Discoverability.Users can discover PowerShell's features using cmdlets, such as Get-Command, which creates alist of all the commands-- including cmdlets and functions -- available on a given computer. Parameters can be used to narrow the scope of the search. ...
Configure the computer for HTTPS transport or add the IP addresses of the remote computers to theTrustedHostslist on the local computer. Use theCredentialparameter in all remote commands. This is required even when you connect as the current user. ...
Now that you have a basic idea of PowerShell commands, go ahead and explore our guide on bestPowerShell Cmdlets to improve your Windows admin skills. Here, you can learn to work with data using cmdlets, format tables and list, and a quick overview of the Get-Member command. ...