执行以下语句以启用 TCP 和 Named Pipes 协议。将 <computer_name> 替换为运行 SQL Server 的计算机的名称。如果您在配置命名实例,请将 MSSQLSERVER 替换为该实例的名称。 $smo = 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.' $wmi = new-object ($smo + 'Wmi.ManagedComputer'). # List the object properties, ...
PowerShell currently supports many remoting transports: named pipes, WS-Man, SSH, and VMBus (aka PowerShellDirect). However, most remoting users only rely on one transport, or would like to use some other remoting transport. We are working to enable pluggable remoting transports that would be ...
For more information about the behavior of ArgumentList, see about_Splatting. This parameter was introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0. Expand table Type: Object[] Aliases: Args Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: Fa...
SuccessAudit | Warning}] [-Index <System.Int32[]>] [-Message <System.String>] [-Newest <System.Int32>] [-Source <System.String[]>] [-UserName <System.String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Get-EventLog [-AsString] [-ComputerName <System.String[]>] [-List] [<CommonParameters>] ... ...
Invoke-Command uses the ScriptBlock parameter that defines two variables, $param1 and $param2. Get-ChildItem uses the named parameters, Name and Include with the variable names. The ArgumentList passes the values to the variables.Example 12: Use the $args automatic variable in a script block...
If you are configuring a named instance, replace MSSQLSERVER with the instance name. Copy $smo = 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.' $wmi = new-object ($smo + 'Wmi.ManagedComputer'). # List the object properties, including the instance names. $Wmi # Enable the TCP protocol on the ...
This will run a PowerShell script and print out the output from that script. The output frominvoke()is a list of PowerShell objects that are output from the remote pipeline. Run a PowerShell command importpsrpasyncdefasync_rp(conn:psrp.ConnectionInfo)->None:asyncwithpsrp.AsyncRunspacePool(...
Yet this is not always possible. Take, for example, theSort-Objectcmdlet, which is supposed to sort an object collection. This might result is a new list where the last item ends up first. To determine what item comes first, you must collect all items before they can be sorted. This ...
UNICODE_STRING structs in memory to give powershell the appearance of a different process. Specifically, the function will overwrite powershell's "ImagePathName" & "CommandLine" in _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS and the "FullDllName" & "BaseDllName" in the _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY linked list.Th...
This command retrieves the list of running processes usingGet-Processand then pipes the output toOut-File, which creates the “process_list.txt” file and writes the process information to it. If the specified file doesn’t exist,Out-Filecreates it automatically. If the file already exists,...