Get-ChildItem outputs a list of items in the current location (in files and folders, if your current location is in a file system), and Measure-Object uses this list as input and adds together every input object’s Length property (file size). In other words, this command tells you the...
Windows PowerShell Tip: Multi-Select List Boxes – And More! Windows PowerShell Tip: Press Any Key to Continue Windows PowerShell Tip: Running Windows PowerShell Scripts Against Multiple Computers Windows PowerShell Tip: Running Windows PowerShell Scripts Against Multiple Computers: Part 2 ...
网络适配器配置对象的默认显示为一组非常精简的可用信息。 对于深入检查和疑难解答,请使用Select-Object或格式设置 cmdlet(例如Format-List)来指定要显示的属性。 在新式 TCP/IP 网络中,你可能对 IPX 或 WINS 属性不感兴趣。 可以使用Select-Object的 ExcludeProperty参数隐藏以“WINS”或“IPX”名称开头的属性。
Get server uptime for a txt list of servers to a txt list and Delete All the variables of the script when done Get sid from event and convert it back to username Get size of a remote folder for several computers Get smtp server details Get specific line from CSV file Get SQL server...
The beginning bracket for a tag, setting the font size to 5 and the font face to the next item in our list. $objFont.Name. The name of the font, which also happens to be the value we’re supplying to the font face parameter. "'>". The tail-end of the beginning bracket. $obj...
动态参数非常有用,但仅在必要时使用它们,因为它们可能难以发现。 若要查找动态参数,用户必须位于提供程序路径中,使用 Get-Command cmdlet 的 ArgumentList 参数,或使用 Get-HelpPath 参数。若要为函数或脚本创建动态参数,请使用 dynamicparam 关键字。语法如下所示:...
List files and folders Remove-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -path "/Upload" Creating a folder New-ODFolder -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -path "/" -FolderName "Upload" ...
Set-CMMigrationExclusionList Set-CMMigrationJob Set-CMMigrationSource Set-CMMobileMsiDeploymentType Set-CMMsiDeploymentType Set-CMMulticastServicePoint Set-CMNotification Set-CMObjectSecurityScope Set-CMOneDriveBusinessProfile Set-CMOperatingSystemImage Set-CMOperatingSystemInstaller Set-CMOrchestrationGroup Set-...
Get-MailPublicFolder -ResultSize 100 | Format-ListThis example returns the information for up to 100 mail-enabled public folders. In this example, the output of the Get-MailPublicFolder command is piped to the Format-List command so that all the available information is displayed in the result...
Get-MailPublicFolder-ResultSize100|Format-List This example returns the information for up to 100 mail-enabled public folders. In this example, the output of the Get-MailPublicFolder command is piped to the Format-List command so that all the available information is displayed in the result. ...