ConvertTo-Json で $null をサポート (#10947) Windows で Out-Printer コマンドを再度追加 (#10906) 空白が含まれる Start-Job -WorkingDirectory の開始を修正 (#10951) PSConfiguration.cs の設定に対して null を取得するときに既定値を返す (#10963) (@iSazonov!) に感謝) ...
# If npm install fails, the node_modules directory is removednpm install ||Remove-Item-Recurse./node_modules 有关详细信息,请参阅About_Pipeline_Chain_Operators。 范围运算符.. 范围运算符可用于表示顺序整数或字符的数组。 范围运算符联接的值定义了范围的开始值和结束值。
*.txt PS C:\PowerShell> $dd Directory: C:\PowerShell\testdir Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- --- --- --- -a--- 2021/9/22 13:59 20 test2.ps1 Directory: C:\PowerShell Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- --- --- --- -a--- 2021/9/14 13:51 58 .a[0].txt -a--- ...
&"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"a-r$rarPath$destinationPath\*# 导出文件并压缩为7-zip格式$sevenZipPath=$destinationPath+".7z"$backupComponents.ExtractFile($selectedSnapshotId,$filePathInSnapshot,$destinationPath) &"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"a$sevenZipPath$destinationPath\*# 释放 VSS...
因為 Format-Wide 只會顯示單一屬性,因此其 Property 參數只會接受單一值,但 和的屬性參數 Format-List 接受Format-Table 屬性名稱清單。在此範例中 Get-Process,Cmdlet 的默認輸出會顯示我們執行 Internet Explorer 的兩個實例。PowerShell 複製 Get-Process -Name iexplore ...
Move-Item-PathC:\test.txt-DestinationE:\Temp\tst.txt Example 2: Move a directory and its contents to another directory This command moves theC:\Tempdirectory and its contents to theC:\Logsdirectory. TheTempdirectory, and all of its subdirectories and files, then appear in theLogsdirectory....
PS C:\> function Get-TextFiles() >> { >> dir *.txt >> } >> PS C:\> Get-TextFiles Directory: C:\ Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- --- --- --- -a--- 2009/1/3 14:31 12 digit.txt -a--- 2009/1/3 6:06 12100 largetext.txt -a--- 2009/1/3 6:07 6949 smallte...
This command lists all files and folders that are at the E:\music level. This command does not recurse through the entire structure. The command and a sample output are shown in the following image: If I want to only see the folders at this level, I use the–Directoryswitch. ...
ls: cannot access 'file_test': No such file or directory -rw-rw-r-- 1 cxxu cxxu 290 May 18 23:22 install_pip # cxxu @ cxxuAli in ~ [18:28:05] C:2 $ ll install_pip file_test > log ls: cannot access 'file_test': No such file or directory ...
导入模块Import-Module的时候,也可能会添加新的PSProvider,例如ActiveDirectory模块。 Get-PSProvider 查看系统所支持的Provider。 Get-PSProvider Name Capabilities Drives --- --- --- RegistryShouldProcess,Transactions {HKLM, HKCU} AliasShouldProcess{Alias...