<Enter>:如果 Step () 、 StepOver (sv)或 Listl () ,则重复上一个命令。 否则, 表示提交操作。 ?, h:显示调试器命令“帮助”。若要退出调试器,可以使用 Stop (q)。从PowerShell 5.0 开始,可以运行 Exit 命令退出通过运行 Debug-Job 或Debug-Runspace启动的嵌套调试会话。使用这些调试器命令,可以运行脚本...
$EnabledExperimentalFeatures 包含已启用的试验性功能的名称列表。 Error$ 包含表示最新错误的错误对象的数组。 最近的错误是数组中的第一个对象$Error[0]。 若要防止将错误添加到$Error数组,请使用值为Ignore的ErrorAction通用参数。 有关详细信息,请参阅about_CommonParameters。
关键步骤: 1、Go to Settings > Apps > Optional features; 2、Click View Features; 3、Search "OpenSSH Server",select it from the list and click Next > Install; 4、开启服务 Start-Service sshd Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic' Start-Service ssh-agent Set-Service -Name ‘ssh-...
The RemotePowerShellEnabled parameter specifies whether the user has access to Exchange PowerShell. Valid values are: $true: The user has access to Exchange Online PowerShell, the Exchange Management Shell, and the Exchange admin center (EAC). $false: The user has doesn't have access to Excha...
Rule objects can be disabled so that they are no longer active. In Windows PowerShell, theDisable-NetFirewallRulecmdlet will leave the rule on the system, but put it in a disabled state so the rule no longer is applied and impacts traffic. A disabled firewall rule can be re-enabled by...
within that file will be enabled. You can delete that file or runGet-ExperimentalFeature|Enable-ExperimentalFeatureto ensure all experimental features are enabled. However, if you use the pipeline, you’ll have to do it again with a future Preview release that has new experimental features. ...
At any time you can useGet-ExperimentalFeatureto get a list of available experimental features that can be enabled or disabled withEnable/Disable-ExperimentalFeature. Command Not Found Suggestions Copy Enable-ExperimentalFeature -NamePSCommandNotFoundSuggestion ...
Get-ADUser List of All Enabled users with blank employee number Get-ADUser multi filters issue Get-ADUser multiple domains get-aduser not finding user object Get-ADUser not found on 2008 R2 Get-ADUser Output Strings Get-ADUser pipeline to the Set-ADUser Get-aduser regex -filter parameter? Get...
Get-ADUser List of All Enabled users with blank employee number Get-ADUser multi filters issue Get-ADUser multiple domains get-aduser not finding user object Get-ADUser not found on 2008 R2 Get-ADUser Output Strings Get-ADUser pipeline to the Set-ADUser Get-aduser regex -filter parameter? Get...
Returns a list of all regions in a named cache, as specified by theCacheNameparameter. Regions can only be created or removed by the cache client. The cache cluster controls on which cache host each region will reside. Note See theprevious tablefor information about how to use this command...