Dowload the latest verion of the module code from Unzip and copy the contents to you preferred module path. Usually C:\Users\UserName\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. In your PowerShell session run the...
PowerShell Module to Read and Write Credentials from the Windows Credential Manager Ongoing Development and Support I am no longer working on this project or PowerShell much at all. If anyone else wants to take a fork and continue supporting this project. I would be happy to link to that pr...
winget list--namePowerShell--upgrade-available 如果有可用的升级,输出会指示最新的可用版本。 备注 升级时,PowerShell 不会从 LTS 版本升级到非 LTS 版本。 它仅升级到最新版本的 LTS,例如,从 7.4.3 升级到 7.4.7。 若要从 LTS 版本升级到较新的稳定版本或下一个 LTS 版本,需要使用新版本的 MSI 来安装...
[String] $Service ) Get-Service $Service } Write-Output "Scenario 1: Running command via Invoke-Command" Invoke-Command -ComputerName $HybridEndpoint ` -Credential $Credential ` -Port 5986 ` -UseSSL ` -ScriptBlock $Script ` -ArgumentList "*" ` -SessionOption (New-PSSessionOption -Skip...
Credential Manager Running DsSvcDataSharing Service Running Dhcp DHCP Client ... Stopped ALG Application Layer Gateway Service Stopped AppMgmt Application Management Stopped BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Ser... Stopped wbengine Block Level Backup Engine Service Stopped BluetoothUserSe... Bluetooth ...
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PnPEntity | Where-Object {$_.ConfigManagerErrorCode -ne $null}:获取系统中出现错误的设备信息。 获取系统性能和资源利用信息: Get-Counter -ListSet *:列出系统中所有可用的性能计数器集合。 Get-Counter -Counter "Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -SampleInterval 1 -MaxSa...
可以通过使用 DSC 配置脚本设置服务来简化请求服务器部署。 本文档包含可以用于部署生产准备就绪服务器节点的配置脚本。 若要使用配置脚本,需要一个未包含在 Windows Server 中的 DSC 模块。 所需模块名称是xPSDesiredStateConfiguration,其中包括 DSC 资源xDscWebService。 可以从PowerShell 库下载 xPSDesiredStateConfigu...
FormatListCommand FormatTableCommand FormatWideCommand FormObject FormObjectCollection FrontPanelResetStatus FunctionProvider FunctionProviderDynamicParameters GenericMeasureInfo GenericObjectMeasureInfo GetAclCommand GetAliasCommand GetAuthenticodeSignatureCommand GetChildItemCommand GetClipboardCommand GetCmsMessageComm...
Right-click Active Directory Domain Services in the Roles and Features list and select Remove Role or Feature. This interface skips the Server Selection page. The ServerManager cmdlets Uninstall-WindowsFeature and Remove-WindowsFeature will prevent you from removing the AD DS role until you demote ...
Right-click Active Directory Domain Services in the Roles and Features list and select Remove Role or Feature. This interface skips the Server Selection page. The ServerManager cmdlets Uninstall-WindowsFeature and Remove-WindowsFeature will prevent you from removing the AD DS role until you demote ...