Sample all PowerShell Console Colors 项目 2013/11/20 I often need to pick console colors to use making host text a little easier to look at (coupled with smart indentation). The –Foregroundcolor parameter of the Write-Host cmdlet is what I commonly use to set text colors. I like to ...
PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Discover Console Colors Updates: Coreinfo v3.21, Disk2vhd v2.0, LiveKd v5.31 Migrating Host-Named Site Collections PowerTip: PowerShell One-Liner to Find Short Aliases Store PowerShell Profile on SkyDrive PowerTip: Use PowerShell to List App Background Task I...
list-console-colors.ps1 Lists all console colors. More » list-modules.ps1 Lists the PowerShell modules. More » list-profiles.ps1 Lists your PowerShell profiles. More » list-scripts.ps1 Lists all PowerShell scripts in this repository. More » new-script.ps1 Creates a new PowerShell ...
RuntimeVersion : v2.0.50727 ConsoleHostAssemblyName : Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, ProcessorArchitecture=msil ConsoleHostModuleName : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost.dll PowerShellVersion...
Have you ever grown tired of looking at the different colors of thePowerShell console? Have you ever thought to change your PowerShell console colors? I have dabbled and changed them up a bit myself, but there some things to keep in mind. ...
While this was a really easy way to change some of the settings, what if you want to do more extensive changes to your PowerShell console? For example, what if you want to change the text and background colors of error messages from red on black to something a little less drastic? For...
ConsoleTokenColors DebugBackgroundColor DebugForegroundColor DefaultOptions ErrorBackgroundColor ErrorForegroundColor FontName FontSize IntellisenseTimeoutInSeconds MruCount ScriptPaneBackgroundColor ScriptPaneForegroundColor SelectedScriptPaneState ShowDefaultSnippets ...
Getting script to write output to console and a log file Getting SQL version info from list of server names Getting the Active directory AD groups and user names with Powershell Getting the Error 'The Given Key was not present in the dictionary' while running AD module PowerShell Getting the...
Get-ChildItem | Format-List Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 相关命令 例如Show-TerminalIconsTheme可以列出所有图标 跨平台的lsd👺 lsd:Peltoche/lsd: The next gen ls command ( 最容易安装 最跨平台 ...
Cool. Well if you wind up with issues in the external PowerShell console, you could conditionally invoke the above script like so: rjmholtmentioned this issueMar 4, 2019 PowerShell console colors behave like the stand alone powershell console in Windows 10.#1777 ...