现在如果同时指定Certificate和PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword,则可使用证书。 凭据是解密的、甚至对 Get-TargetResource 来说也是如此。 元配置凭据为加密的和解密的。 当PSCredential 在嵌入对象中时,它们是解密的。 内置资源改进 Package 资源 不再安装错误的包(无论从本地或 Web 资源中安装)。
Get-Certificate failing on -SubjectName Get-CertificationAuthority is not working Get-ChildItem - List files with the matched string pattern ? Get-Childitem -literalpath is NOT a required parameter. Is the PoSh help wrong? Get-ChildItem : Could not find a part of the path. get-childitem abort...
AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet, you're signing your name to the script. Of course, if you're able to obtain a false certificate containing someone else's name, you can sign his name to the script, which is why it's so important that only trustworthy CAs show up on the list in Figure 2...
I want to point out that the RemoteSigned execution policy we're using isn't a great choice; it's merely a good one. But there is a much better solution. It would be far more secure to obtain a code-signing certificate, use the Windows PowerShell Set-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet to sign...
Identify the self-signed root certificate that is installed on the computer. This cmdlet returns a list of certificates that are installed on your computer. PowerShell Get-ChildItem-Path"Cert:\CurrentUser\My" Locate the subject name from the returned list, then copy the thumbprint that is locate...
PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12> Get-AuthenticodeSignature excel.exe | Format-List * By running this command, I can see that the executable was signed by Microsoft Corp. using a certificate issued by the Microsoft Code Signing CA.Command...
cfg : http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/config/listener xsi : http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance Source : GPO lang : en-US Address : * Transport : HTTP Port : 5985 Hostname : Enabled : true URLPrefix : wsman CertificateThumbprint : ListeningOn : {} ...
ip access-list OMI 10 permit tcp any eq 5985 5986 exit control-plane ip access-group OMI in copy running-config startup-config Now that the appliance is available we need to connect to it using a new-cimsession Since the computer does not trust the certificate we need to...
If you want to go back to management certificate authentication, please use Remove-AzureAccount, which will remove the Microsoft Azure Active Directory information and bring management certificate authentication back in.Login directly from PowerShell (Microsoft Azure Active Directory authentication)...
You can see the most recent state of a resource module by visiting its GitHub page at: https://github.com/PowerShell/< module name > For example, for the CertificateDsc module, go to: https://github.com/PowerShell/CertificateDsc. All DSC modules are also listed as submodules of the ...