$Env:<variable-name> 例如,若要显示环境变量的值,请执行以下操作WINDIR: PowerShell复制 $Env:windir Output复制 C:\Windows 在此语法中,美元符号 ()$指示变量,驱动器名称 (Env:) 指示环境变量后跟变量名称 (windir) 。 可以使用以下语法创建和更新环境变量的值: PowerShell复制 $Env:<variable-name> ="<...
Alias: 当前范围中定义的别名 Env: 在当前作用域中定义的环境变量 Function: 当前范围中定义的函数 Variable: 在当前范围内定义的变量脚本的默认作用域是脚本范围。 函数和别名的默认作用域是本地范围,即使它们在脚本中定义也是如此。使用范围修饰符若要指定新变量、别名或函数的范围,请使用范围修饰符。变量...
PowerShell Drives provide this capability in PowerShell, and the Get-PSDrive cmdlet will list the available drives in your session. PSDrives included in basic PowerShell include (besides real file system drives): ENV: (Environment variables) HKCU: (HKEY_CURRENT_USER Registry tree) HKLM: (HKEY...
NAME New-Module SYNOPSIS Creates a new dynamic module that exists only in memory. SYNTAX New-Module [-Name] <String> [-ScriptBlock] <ScriptBlock> [-ArgumentList <Object[]>] [-AsCustomObject] [-Cmdlet <String[]>] [-Function <String[]>] [-ReturnResult] [<CommonParameters>] DESCRIPTION ...
仅Processscope 影响当前 PowerShell 会话。 执行策略保存在环境变量$env:PSExecutionPolicyPreference中,而不是配置文件。 关闭 PowerShell 会话时,将删除变量和值。 CurrentUser 执行策略仅影响当前用户。 它存储在 CurrentUser配置文件中。 LocalMachine 执行策略会影响当前计算机上的所有用户。 它存储在 AllUsers配置文...
PowerShell Kopyala $Env:CompanyUri = 'https://internal.contoso.com' $Env:Path += ';C:\Tools' Not Linux veya macOS'ta, yeni bir yolu listeden önceki yoldan ayırmak için noktalı virgül (;) yerine iki nokta üst üste (:) kullanılır....
Most people know how easy it is to use Windows PowerShell to retrieve information about environment variables. Want to see all your environment variables and their values? This command should do the trick: Get-ChildItem Env: In turn, you should get back information similar to this extract: ...
Get-ChildItem${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} 若要參考包含大括號的變數名稱,請以大括弧括住變數名稱,並使用反引號字元逸出大括弧。 例如,若要建立名為this{value}is類型的變數: PowerShell ${this`{value`}is} ="This variable name uses braces and backticks."${this`{value`}is} ...
You can also reference environment variables like ${env.USERPROFILE}. Note: the env must be all lowercase and be careful to use env. instead of a env:. This is Visual Studio Code’s syntax, not PowerShell syntax. PowerShell interactive session debugging If you select the PowerShell Interact...
Command :setenv CommandElements : {, set, env} Description : Update environment variables on a pod template. List environment variable definitionsinoneormore pods, pod templates. Add, update,orremovecontainer environment variable definitionsinoneormore pod templates (within replication controllersordeployme...