This document provides step-by-step commands to list all root directories of a scenario.Solution:Step1: Install the RHA Powershell from RHA installation CD or install download unless the powershell is already installed.
dir | where {$_.PsIsContainer} Alternatively you could: dir |where {$_.mode -match “d”} Jeffrey Snover Windows PowerShell Architect
$acl=get-networkcontrolleraccesscontrollist-ConnectionUri$uri-ResourceId"AllowAllACL" 将网络安全组分配到网络接口的 AccessControlList 属性。 PowerShell $[0].properties.AccessControlList =$acl 在网络控制器中添加网络接口。
你可以使用下面的机器列出访问权限允许的值: PS C:\PowerShell> [System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]) ListDirectory ReadData WriteData CreateFiles CreateDirectories AppendData ReadExtendedAttributes WriteExtendedAttributes Traverse ExecuteFile DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles ReadAtt...
This is not very compelling, but suppose you want to list only services that begin with the letter 'w' and sort them by status. One way to do this is: PowerShell PS C:\>get-service-includew* |sort-object-propertystatus You can interpret this command as meaning fetch all Windows servi...
A filter is a type of function that runs on each object in the pipeline. A filter resembles a function with all its statements in aprocessblock. The syntax of a filter is as follows: filter [<scope:>]<name> {<statement list>}
This example gets the value of thePathproperty of all installed PowerShell modules using theMemberNameparameter of theForEach-Objectcmdlet. PowerShell Get-Module-ListAvailable|ForEach-Object-MemberNamePathGet-Module-ListAvailable|ForeachPath The second command is equivalent to the first. It uses the...
Require: Extended Protection for Authentication is used for all connections between clients and the virtual directory. If either the client or server doesn't support it, the connection will fail. If you use this value, you also need to set an SPN value for the ExtendedProtectionSPNList paramete...
On Command Prompt I can enumerate all files in a directory tree and run an arbitrary command on all of them with either: FOR /R %F IN (*) DO @COMMAND-HERE ARGS-HERE Directories only: FOR /R /D %D IN (*) DO @COMMAND-HERE ARGS-HERE What are the equivalent commands ...
Create All User Logon Scheduled Task Create and configure a shared printer in a GPO with powershell Create CSV for list of files and folders Create folder with current timestamp using powershell Create folders from CSV create hidden shares and set share permissions Create HTML body from file wi...