组策略后,在 AllUsers级别定义的设置优先于为CurrentUser级别定义的设置。 特定于 Windows 的设置 以下设置仅适用于 Windows 平台。 DisableImplicitWinCompat WindowsPowerShellCompatibilityModuleDenyList WindowsPowerShellCompatibilityNoClobberModuleList ExecutionPolicy ...
# Create a local PowerShell session# where the module with conflicting assemblies will be loaded$s=New-PSSession# Import the module with the conflicting dependency via remoting,# exposing the commands locallyImport-Module-PSSession$s-NameConflictingModule# Run a command from the module with the conf...
WARNING: The names of some imported commands from the module 'MyModule' include unapproved verbs that might make them less discoverable. To find the commands with unapproved verbs, run the Import-Module command again with the Verbose parameter. For a list of approved verbs, type Get-Verb. ...
在Windows PowerShell 4.0 中,如果模組在其資訊清單中使用DefaultCommandPrefix機碼,或如果使用者使用Prefix參數匯入模組,模組的ExportedCommands屬性就會顯示模組中具有該前置詞的命令。 當您使用模組限定語法 ModuleName\CommandName 執行命令時,命令名稱必須包含前置詞。
Get-Command Get-Date CommandType Name ModuleName --- --- --- Function Get-Date Uses the ALL parameter to list available Get-Date commands. Get-Command Get-Date -All CommandType Name Version Source --- --- --- --- Function Get-Date Cmdlet Get-Date Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility...
Import-Module [-Global] [-Prefix <String>] [-Assembly] <Assembly[]> [-Function <String[]>] [-Cmdlet <String[]>] [-Variable <String[]>] [-Alias <String[]>] [-Force] [-SkipEditionCheck] [-PassThru] [-AsCustomObject] [-ArgumentList <Object[]>] [-DisableNameChecking] [-...
可以使用属性来对模块对象进行格式设置和筛选。 有关这些属性的详细信息,请参阅PSModuleInfo 属性。 输出包括 Windows PowerShell 3.0 中引入的新属性,例如Author和CompanyName。 示例6:按名称对所有模块进行分组 PowerShell Get-Module-ListAvailable-All|Format-Table-PropertyName, Moduletype, Path-GroupbyName Name...
Module: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Imports a CLIXML file and creates corresponding objects in PowerShell.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Import-Clixml [-Path] <String[]> [-IncludeTotalCount] [-Skip <UInt64>] [-First <UInt64>] [<CommonParameters>]...
Get-Module -All You can load a particular module by executing the following command: Import-Module -Name ModuleName To list commands in a particular module, execute the following command: Get-Command -Module ModuleName
You can use the get-command –module grouppolicy to get a list of all Group Policy commands.You can get help for all Group Policy commands at once by using the get-command –module grouppolicy | get-help command.Note For more information about the Group Policy cmdlets, you can use the ...