The&background operator is also a statement terminator, just like the UNIX control operator ampersand (&). This allows you to invoke additional commands after the&background operator. The following example demonstrates the invocation of additional commands after the&background operator. PowerShellה...
How to specify a case-insensitive search using PowerShell's "Criteria Expression Syntax" & the MATCHES operator How to split a file into multiple files using powerhell based on the values in a fixed position of each row of data in the file How to split column into multiple columns from ex...
To create and initialize an array, assign multiple values to a variable. The values stored in the array are delimited with a comma and separated from the variable name by the assignment operator (=).For example, to create an array named $A that contains the seven numeric (integer) values ...
Specifies a query to run on the CIM server. If the value specified contains double quotes", single quotes', or a backslash\, you must escape those characters by prefixing them with the backslash character. If the value specified uses the WQLLIKEoperator, then you must escape the following ...
As shown in the previous example, multiple script blocks passed using theProcessparameter get mapped to theBeginandEndparameters. To avoid this mapping, you must provide explicit values for theBeginandEndparameters. PowerShell 1..2|ForEach-Object-Begin$null-Process{'one'}, {'two'}, {'three'...
Operator Description -lt less than -le less than or equal to -gt greater than -ge greater than or equal to -eq equal to -ne not equal to -like like wildcard pattern matching -and logical and -or logical or Table 1: PowerShell Comparison Operators ...
When you use multiple values for this parameter, the OR Boolean operator is applied. For more information about how Conditional parameters work, see the Detailed Description section of this topic. You use this parameter in combination with the IncludedRecipients parameter as part of a precanned fil...
The ConditionalCompany parameter specifies a precanned filter that's based on the value of the recipient's Company property. You can specify multiple values separated by commas. When you use multiple values for this parameter, the OR Boolean operator is applied. For more information about how Con...
Crescendo provides the tools to easily wrap a native command to gain the benefits of PowerShell cmdlets. Wrapping native commands into Crescendo cmdlets can provide parameter handling like prompting for mandatory parameters and tab-completion for parameter values. Crescendo cmdlets can take the text out...
A PowerShell “script block” is the base level of executable code in PowerShell. It might represent a command typed interactively in the PowerShell console, supplied through the command line (“PowerShell –Command <…>”), or wrapped in a function, script, workflow, or the like....