"book"-ireplace"B","C"# Case insensitive"book"-creplace"B","C"# Case-sensitive; hence, nothing to replace Output Cook book 从PowerShell 7.2 开始,当运算符语句中的-replace左侧操作数不是字符串时,该操作数将转换为字符串。 PowerShell 执行不区分区域性的字符串转换。
-replace操作符有三种实现方式,其它文本操作符也类似地有三种实现方式,像-replace,-ireplace,-creplace,i前缀表示字符串大小写不敏感(insensitive),c前缀表示字符串大小写敏感(case sensitive)。 #下面的例子没有完成替换,因为当前大小写敏感: “Hello Carl” -creplace “carl”, “eddie” Hello Carl 第三类i前缀...
How to specify a case-insensitive search using PowerShell's "Criteria Expression Syntax" & the MATCHES operator How to split a file into multiple files using powerhell based on the values in a fixed position of each row of data in the file How to split column into multiple columns from ex...
Like many other languages, PowerShell has statements for conditionally executing code in your scripts.
This expression returns False since the string "soft" doesn't match "Software" in a case-sensitive comparison. Note that the –imatch operator is also available as an explicit case-insensitive option, despite that being the default behavior of –match. ...
OperatorDescription -eqEqual to -neNot equal to -gtGreater than -ltLess than -leLess than or equal to -geGreater than or equal to These operators are case-insensitive when used with strings. This means that the results are the same whether the letters are capitalized or...
Possible resources include (case insensitive): pod (po), replicationcontroller (rc), deployment (deploy), daemonset (ds), job, replicaset (rs) Usage : kubectlsetenv RESOURCE/NAMEKEY_1=VAL_1...KEY_N=VAL_N [options] SubCommands : {} ...
This expression returns False since the string "soft" doesn't match "Software" in a case-sensitive comparison. Note that the –imatch operator is also available as an explicit case-insensitive option, despite that being the default behavior of –match. ...
Bydefault, PowerShell’s comparison operators are case-insensitive. To use the case-sensitive versions, prefix them with the characterc: -ceq,-cne,-cge,-cgt,-cin,-clt,-cle,-clike,-cnotlike,-cmatch,-cnotmatch,-ccontains,-cnotcontains ...
Keys and values are case-insensitive. Wildcard characters are valid only in the values associated with theLogNameandProviderNamekeys. Each key can be listed only once in each hash table. ThePathvalue takes paths to.etl,.evt, and.evtxlog files. ...