·不,目前还没有通过powershell脚本将多个设备连接到Azure AD的规定。此外,请记住并考虑用于将设备连接...
1. 输入命令:Install-Module AzureAD,安装和部署AzureAD所需要的module,如下所示: 2. 输入命令连接Azure AD:Connect-AzureAD 3. 获取所有已存在的AzureADGroups:get-azureadgroup 4. 通过命令新建Azure AD Group:New-AzureADGroup -Description "DemoNancy" -DisplayName "DemoNancy" -MailEnabled $false -Securi...
添加以下脚本来验证 Azure SQL 数据库服务器或托管实例。 PowerShell # Validate only if you use SSISDB and you don't use virtual network or Azure AD authenticationif(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerEndpoint)) {if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId)-and[string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName)) {...
您可以使用適用于 Graph 的 Azure Active Directory PowerShell 模組版本來執行 Azure AD 系統管理工作,例如使用者管理、網域管理,以及設定單一登入。 此處列出的 Cmdlet 與屬於 Azure Active Directory PowerShell 1.0 版的 MSOnline Cmdlet 不同。 適用于 Graph 的 Azure AD PowerShell 模組有兩個版本:公開預覽版...
然后添加成员到这个组中。 用到的命令: get-aduser;add-adgroupmember 完整命令:
Connecting to Azure PowerShell is a simple process that gives you a complete mix of administrative capabilities over your tenant, or your Azure AD deployment. There are two ways you can connect to Azure services: Connect to ARM using the Azure RM modules. ...
Azure AD PowerShell cmdlets. So before you begin, ensure that you have PowerShell 3.0 or later,.NET Framework 4.5 and either the Azure AD PowerShell v2 General Availability or Preview modules installed on your computer. If you don’t have Azure AD PowerShell...
Dieser Migrationsleitfaden enthält eine Liste mit Azure PowerShell-Änderungen für die Migration von Azure AD zu Microsoft Graph in Az.Resources 5.1.0.
hello, for a hosting company I have to write a script that allows the creation of azure AD tenants for customers in the same azure account with powershell, the problem is that I can not find any information to do that in powershell, if someone can help please. ...
Add mapping to azurelinux repo (#24290) Update vpack pipeline (#24281) AddBaseUrltobuildinfojson file (#24376) Delete the msix blob if it's already there (#24353) Make some release tests run in a hosted pools (#24270) Create new pipeline for compliance (#24252) ...