例如,如果 Initialize.ps1 写入信息性消息并设置 $ExampleState 变量: PowerShell 复制 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExampleState)) { Write-Information "Example not initialized." Write-Information "Initializing now..." $ExampleState = 'Initialized' } else { Write-Information "Example already initialize...
Select-Object @{Name='_record_number';Expression={'999'}},* |#-Example Adding new column to End Select-Object *,@{Name='column3';Expression={'setvalue'}}ForEach-Object {if( (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.client_dob)) -and([datetime]$_.client_dob -lt(Get-Date1900-01-01) ) ) {...
.EXAMPLE IsNullOrEmpty($null) .EXAMPLE An example showing use with the pipeline: @(1,'',2,'String',$null,@(),@(3,4,5)) | Where-Object { -not (IsNullOrEmpty($_)) } | Write-Host Only writes array elements to the console if they are not $null or empty. ...
return } $srv = Get-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServerName $ServerName if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($srv)) { LogError "The server was not found. Migration cancelled. Fix errors and try again later." return } ClearBaselineFolder $baselines = @{} $databases = Get...
privatevoidErrorDataReceived(objectsender,DataReceivedEventArgse){// 在文本框中显示错误信息if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data)){UpdateTextBox(e.Data);}}privatevoidUpdateTextBox(stringtext){// 在文本框中显示信息if(textBox1.InvokeRequired){textBox1.Invoke(newAction<string>(UpdateTextBox),text);...
{ $this.Cards += "$Value of $Suit" } } $this.Shuffle() } [void] Shuffle() { $this.Cards = $this.Cards + $this.Dealt | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } | Get-Random -Count $this.Cards.Count } [string] Deal() { if ($this.Cards.Count -eq...
6.1 Using IsNullorEmpty() IsNullorEmpty()checks if astring variable is either null or empty. It is efficient and more comprehensive for basic string checks. Let’s see with the help of example: Use IsNullorEmpty() Method 1 2 3 [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($newVariable) ...
if ($SkipPages -eq $false -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty((Get-PnPConnection).Certificate.Thumbprint)) { Write-Host Write-Host "WARNING: You'll be searching for pages containing domain isolated web parts using delegated permissions. Only the pages that the current account can access will be retur...
In this second example, three variables are defined: $greeting with the value “Hello”, $name with the value “Alice”, and $age with the value 30. The if statement checks if the $name variable has a value using the IsNullorEmpty() method. If true, we create a message that concatenate...
[string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LogPath) Node Localhost {if($HasCredential-and$HasLogPath) { WindowsFeature ExampleWindowsFeature { Name =$NameEnsure =$EnsureIncludeAllSubFeature =$IncludeAllSubFeatureCredential =$CredentialLogPath =$LogPath} }elseif($HasCredential) { WindowsFeature ExampleWindowsFeature { ...