您可以在偵錯中使用 變數的值$PSDebugContext。 [DBG]: PS>>> $PSDebugContext.InvocationInfo Name CommandLineParameters UnboundArguments Location --- --- --- --- = {} {} C:\ps-test\vote.ps1 (1) 偵錯和範圍 中斷調試程式並不會變更您正在操作的範圍,但當...
对于一些变量($_、$Input、$MyInvocation、$PSBoundParameters 和$Args),可以使用以下方法解决此问题:在脚本中,将自动变量的值分配给一个新变量。 通过将鼠标悬停在脚本窗格中新变量上,或通过在控制台窗格中键入新变量来显示新变量的值。例如,若要显示 $MyInvocation 变量的值,在脚本...
已新增新的 Cmdlet,可讓您列出處理序中目前的 Runspace,並將 PowerShell 主控台或 PowerShell ISE 偵錯工具附加至該 Runspace,以進行指令碼偵錯:Get-Runspace Debug-Runspace Enable-RunspaceDebug Disable-RunspaceDebug Get-RunspaceDebug附加至裝載 PowerShell 的處理程序...
The PowerShell_ISE.exe tool starts a Windows PowerShell ISE session. When you use PowerShell_ISE.exe, you can use its optional parameters to open files in Windows PowerShell ISE or to start a Windows PowerShell ISE session with no profile or with a multithreaded apartment.PowerShell_ISE....
PSEdit[-FileNames] <string[]> [CommonParameters] [RemoteMachine] PS C:\>PSEditMyScript.ps1 I want to stress that this isnotthe same as opening a file using the ISE File Open Dialog. This dialog uses the Windows file system to navigate and open files, and you can even open remote ...
introduced by Microsoft in PowerShell version 2.0, is a PowerShell host application used to write,test and debug scriptsor write commands in a Windows GUI. To access the ISE, clickStart, selectWindows PowerShelland chooseWindows PowerShell ISE. As an alternative, simply typepowershell_ise.exein...
Create a launch configuration that always starts a specific script with the specified arguments. Create a launch configuration to launch whichever file is in the active editor window (like in ISE). Create a launch configuration to attach to the interactive session, that is, Debug Console. Create...
The following table summarizes the new features and changes that have been added to Windows PowerShell ISE for Windows Server 2012. Feature/functionalityWindows PowerShell 2.0Windows PowerShell 3.0 Intellisense: Displays clickable menus of matching cmdlets, parameters, parameter values, files, or folders...
The script accepts parameters pretty much like any cmdlet. Variable names are used as the parameter names, specified with the usual dash that precedes all parameter names in Windows PowerShell. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:On line one, I’m only specifying one of the parameters—$...
the same session. So if we attach the administrative one it could hijack the connection.Butwith that permissions if we spawn a new console/window it would just intercept the creation of that process and append some parameters to it so that the administrator is tricked into acknowledging it......