Install-WindowsUpdate-AcceptAll 并强制重启: Install-WindowsUpdate-AcceptAll -AutoReboot 还要在 PowerShell 中安装特定更新: Get-WindowsUpdate-KBArticleID KB2267602, KB4533002-Install 最后要排除更新,这里是 PowerShell 命令: Install-WindowsUpdate-NotCategory"Drivers"-NotTitle OneDrive -NotKBArticleID KB401...
#需要使用powershell5.0以上版本 Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate # 检查管理员权限 if(-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { Write-Host"请以管理员身份运行此脚本。"-ForegroundColorRed...
You can use the PSWindowsUpdate PowerShell module to manage Windows Updates from the command line. PSWindowsUpdate module is available for download from the PowerShell Gallery and allows administrators to scan, download, install, remove, or hide Windows updates on local or remote workstations and...
Encoding to Windows-1252 (CP-1252) Encrypt text with RSA Public Key without having an installed Certificate/File. Encrypted password with an AES key doesn't work End of Central Directory record could not be found - can't install or update any modules. Endless ping in PowerShell Enforce synch...
一、如何使用PowerShell更新Windows 10 要使用PowerShell检查并安装更新,请使用以下步骤:1.右键单击开始按钮,选择“搜索”,在搜索框中输入PowerShell,右键单击顶部结果,然后选择“以管理员身份运行”选项。2.键入以下命令以安装模块以运行Windows Update,然后按Enter:Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate 说明:安装模块后...
Get-WUInstall、Install-WindowsUpdate(别名Get-WindowsUpdate –Install)——安装 Windows 更新; Hide-WindowsUpdate(别名Get-WindowsUpdate -Hide:$false)——隐藏更新; Uninstall-WindowsUpdate – 使用 Remove-WindowsUpdate 删除更新; Add-WUServiceManager——在电脑上注册更新服务器(Windows Update Service Manager);...
如何在通过powershell创建azure虚拟机后运行windows更新? 、、 我在azurepowershell中运行了一个脚本来创建虚拟机。创建后,我远程进入并运行windowsupdate,然后安装我们的应用程序。可能会让整个过程自动化。一旦我为vm配置了New-AzureVM,我就可以使用WaitForBoot命令等待它启动,但是我如何在vm上运行远程命令呢?...
PowerShell 的 Microsoft Update 功能可讓您在傳統 Microsoft Update (MU) 管理流程中取得最新的 PowerShell 7 更新,無論是使用商務用 Windows Update、WSUS、Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager,還是 設定 中的交互式 MU 對話框。 Microsoft Update 和相關服務可讓您部署更新: 依排程 測試環境之後 大規模地跨...
PowerShell 7.2 en hoger biedt ondersteuning voor Microsoft Update. Wanneer u deze functie inschakelt, krijgt u de nieuwste PowerShell 7-updates in uw traditionele Microsoft Update-beheerstroom (MU), ongeacht of dat met Windows Update voor Bedrijven, WSUS, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager ...
Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC If the update is causing issues on the computer, the only solution is to uninstall that problematic update. Your first goal is to find the update(s) that is causing issues when you update your Windows 10/11 computers. By looking...