ConvertFrom-SecureString fails in remote powershell session even though WSManCredSSP is configured for both client and server. Converting "whencreated" (System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection) to string converting a string to [GUID] Converting a String value to Int64 Converting an old Bat...
PowerShell复制 选项3 通过创建以下注册表值,将 WinRM 客户端配置为使用 Web Services-Management (WSMAN) SPN 而不是 HTTP SPN: 键:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\M...
ComputerName$ipaddr-Credential$credential# Copy the file to the Nano Server instanceCopy-Item$zipfilec:\-ToSession$session# Enter the interactive remote sessionEnter-PSSession$session# Extract the ZIP fileExpand-Archive-PathC:\'C:\Program Files\Power...
you must specify which servers are allowed to connect, these are known as the trusted hosts. Thus if you are on a server called 'BigServe', before you can remote to 'LittleComputer' you must set TrustedHosts on LittleComputer.
$remoteKeyParams= @{ ComputerName =$env:COMPUTERNAMEPath ='HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server'Name ='EnableRemoteManagement'Value ='1'}Set-RemoteRegistryValue@remoteKeyParams-Credential(Get-Credential) 使用(Get-Credential)似乎很繁琐。 通常,如果仅将凭据参数与一个用户名一起使用时,该 cmdle...
At line:1 char:15 + .\ remote_file.ps1 <<< 如果在运行不是由你编写的脚本时 PowerShell 显示此消息,请像处理任何未签名脚本一样处理该文件。 查看代码以确定是否可以信任该脚本。 为私钥启用强保护 如果计算机上具有私钥和证书,恶意程序可能能够代表你对脚本进行签名,从而授权 PowerShell 运行这些脚本。 若...
The commands inside the curly braces are repeated once for each object that is piped in—for this example, that means they run once for each computer name. The special $_ variable will contain the current object (that is, the current computer name)....
Networking: Configure VPN Remote Access with ISA Server 2006 SQL Server: Optimizing SQL Server Query Performance From the Editor: More Power to You Research Notes: Using High-Performance Computing in the Fight against HIV Windows Confidential: The File System Paradox ...
Internet-connected computers that subscribe to the Windows Update channel automatically download and install this update.To repair the Windows image files on computers that have been affected by this issue, use the DISM tool. To do this, open a Command Prompt window on the affected computer, and...
Invoke-Command -cn wfe0, wfe1 -ScriptBlock {Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | select DisplayName, Publisher, InstallDate } The output now includes thePSComputerNamecolumn, which will help when I want to sort results down the road. And there we have...