Install-Package[-Id] <string> [-IgnoreDependencies] [-ProjectName <string>] [[-Source] <string>] [[-Version] <string>] [-IncludePrerelease] [-FileConflictAction] [-DependencyVersion] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] 在NuGet 2.8 及以上版本中,Install-Package可将项目中的现有包降级。 例如,如...
从NuGet 包安装 PowerShell 脚本 备注 这些说明请勿提供与运行Install-Script相同的结果。 这些说明满足最低要求。 它们不打算取代Install-Script。 最简单的方法是提取 NuGet 包,然后直接使用脚本。 步骤如下: 取消阻止 Internet 下载的 NuGet 包(.nupkg)文件,例如使用Unblock-File -Path C:\Downloads\
n")" Add-Type -LiteralPath $pkgAssemblyPaths # Write-Verbose -vb 'Performing a test ca...
Install-PackageProvider -name "nuget" 4,安装自己需要的 module: Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline 参考:
#6679 (comment) shows how hard it is to use a NuGet package installed via Install-Package in Powershell, for two reasons: You must manually determine the platform-appropriate *.dll file in the package's folder subtree and pass its full p...
PowerShellGet 2.x Search Overview Manage PowerShell packages PowerShell Gallery Reference PackageManagement Commands Find-Package Find-PackageProvider Get-Package Get-PackageProvider Get-PackageSource Import-PackageProvider Install-Package Install-PackageProvider ...
Reference for Install-Package PowerShell command in the NuGet Package Manager Console in Visual Studio.
Update and add new NuGet package sources for different environments. (#24264) (#24316) Bump .NET 9 to 9.0.100-rc.1.24452.12 (#24273) (#24320) Make some release tests run in a hosted pools (#24270) (#24318) Do not build the exe for Global tool shim project (#24263) (#2431...
(可能受到环境影响,推荐)PS>Install-Module-NamePSFTP# 需要使用 NuGet 提供程序来继续操作 # PowerShellGet 需要使用 NuGet 提供程序“”或更高版本来与基于 NuGet 的存储库交互。必须在“C:\Program # Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies”或“C:\Users\WeiyiGeek\AppData\Local\Package...
Here’s what a Chocolatey package looks like on the inside. I created a folder namedPACKAGESon my E: data drive; that’s where I’ll store all my internally approved packages. Installing the NuGet package manager Fire up an elevated PowerShell prompt and install the Chocolatey package source...