Manifest Kds {Add-KdsRootKey, Get-KdsRootKey, Test-KdsRootKey, Set-KdsC... Manifest 1.0 LanguagePackManagement {Install-Language, Uninstall-Language, Get-InstalledLangua... Script LAPS {Find-LapsADExtendedRights, Get-LapsADPassword, Invoke-Lap... Manifest Microsoft.P...
Install the Exchange Online PowerShell moduleTo install the module for the first time, complete the following steps:Install or update the PowerShellGet module as described in Installing PowerShellGet. Close and re-open the Windows PowerShell window. Now you can use the Install-Module cmdlet to ...
For best results when upgrading, you should use the same install method you used when you first installed PowerShell. The update method is different for each platform and install method. Community Dashboard Dashboardwith visualizations for community contributions and project status using PowerShell, ...
# install language pack Write-OutPut "Installing $pePackage language package." dism /image:"$peDir\mount" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"$WinPE_FPs\en-us\$pePackage`" } else { # has language pack Write-OutPut "Installing $pePackage package." dism /image:"$peDir\mount" /Add-Pac...
Additional reading:To support more recent versions of PowerShell on down-level operating systems, you might need to install the latest version of the Windows Management Framework. For more information, refer toInstall and Configure WMF 5.1.
Install .NET Framework 3.5 Components on Clean Install Copy of Windows 10 1809 x64 Install RSAT on Windows 1809 or later offline with no WSUS Install/Deploy Local Experience Pack in Enterprise installation failed in the safe_os phase with an error during boot operation Installation Failure of KB...
sudo apt install -y language-pack-zh-hanssudo update-locale LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 上面是git bash,如果是powershell,设置字符集的方式为在profile文件中加入: $env:LESSCHARSET="utf-8" 参考:解决windows git乱码问题 禁用bell# 当你在git bash中用git diff或git log查看文件的时候,光标移动到头继续移动会听...
After you install PowerShell 7 and OpenSSL, do the following steps: Run PowerShell as superuser: sudo pwsh In the PowerShell superuser session, run the following commands: PowerShell Copy Install-Module -Name PSWSMan Install-WSMan If prompted, accept PSGallery as the source for the cmd...
926140Windows PowerShell 1.0 Localized Installation Package for Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 and for Windows XP with Service Pack 2 Caution Before you install Windows PowerShell 1.0 RC2, uninstall all previous versions of Windows PowerShe...
sudo apt install powershell-empire Kali 内置的工具: root@kali:~# powershell-empire -h usage: [-h] {server,client} ... positional arguments: {server,client} server Launch Empire Server client Launch Empire CLI optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit 也可...