$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 9am 1. 每天在下午 2 点半启动任务 $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At "14:30" 1. 除了-Daily触发器外,New-ScheduledTaskTrigger还支持其他多种触发器类型,每种触发器类型可以使用不同的参数来定义任务启动规则。 每周触发 $trigger = New-Sch...
若要进一步配置作业,可使用作业选项的参数并定义作业触发器。 作业选项 使用New-ScheduledJobOption 可创建新的作业选项对象。 此命令具有多个参数,可用于定义作业的选项,例如: –HideInTaskScheduler,阻止作业在“任务计划程序”中显示。 如果未包括此选项,最终作业将在“任务计划程序”图形用户界面 (GUI) 中显示。 ...
在Windows PowerShell 中创建作业选项和作业触发器对象已完成 100 XP 10 分钟 若要进一步配置作业,可使用作业选项的参数并定义作业触发器。作业选项使用New-ScheduledJobOption 可创建新的作业选项对象。 此命令具有多个参数,可用于定义作业的选项,例如:–HideInTaskScheduler,阻止作业在“任务计划程...
创建任务计划,Users组用户登录后运行 $TaskName="LogonPrompt"$ScriptName="LogonPrompt.vbs"$UserName="BUILTIN\Users"$action_cmd= Join-Path$Dest_path$ScriptName$TaskUsers= New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -GroupId$UserName$action_n= New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute$action_cmd$trigger_n= New-ScheduledTaskT...
How can I use Windows PowerShell to easily look for scheduled tasks in the graphical tool? Use theGet-ScheduledTaskcmdlet and search on theTaskPathproperty. Related scheduled tasks are grouped together andTaskPathprovides that location. Here is an example: ...
Enter this command to create the scheduled task. Let’s check out the detailed version of these steps. At first, you have toopen Windows PowerShell with administrator privileges. For that, search for “powershell” in the Taskbar search box, and click on the respectiveRun as administratorbutto...
Update the task:Set-ScheduledTask. If you have used the GUI to build scheduled tasks, then the steps should sound familiar because the Create Taskwizard has similarly named tabs. The wizard in the Task Scheduler GUI provides the template to produce a scheduled task with PowerShell. ...
When the report is completed you can click on any column to easily filter and sort the results. In this example, I’ve filtered for any task and service running as “robert.allen”. I found that my Active Directory account is being used to run a Scheduled Task on server “SRV-VM1”....
"Synchronize across time zones" scheduled task option and New-ScheduledTaskTrigger "System.Int64". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format "System.Object[]" "telnet" connection test to different servers on different ports "Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Servi...
Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to discover the tasks that are associated with your scheduled jobs. How can I use Windows PowerShell to discover the scheduled tasks that are associated with my scheduled jobs? In Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, use theGet-ScheduledTaskcmdlet: ...