PowerShell 复制 if ( $null -eq $array ) { 'Array actually is $null' } $null 数组与空数组不同。 如果知道有一个数组,请检查其中对象的计数。 如果数组为 $null,则计数为 0。PowerShell 复制 if ( $array.count -gt 0 ) { "Array isn't empty" } ...
PowerShell 7.0 引進了三元運算子,其行為類似簡化的if-else陳述式。 PowerShell 的三元運算子會根據 C# 三元運算子語法嚴密地進行模型化: <condition> ? <if-true> : <if-false> 條件運算式一律會進行評估,並將結果轉換成布林值,以判斷下一個要評估的分支: ...
不能够显示它的其它信息,如果想查看一个变量的其它保留信息,就需要变量的基类PSVariable对象,这个可以通过Get-Variable命令得到,下面的例子演示如何查看一个变量的全部信息。 1、修改变量的选项设置 Powershell处理一个变量的PSVariable对象,主要是为了能够更新变量的选项设置。既可以使用命令Set-Variable,也可以在获取PSva...
Check if .txt file is empty Check if a process is running check if a process or service is hanging/not responding? Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists,...
IsNullorEmpty() checks if a string variable is either null or empty. It is efficient and more comprehensive for basic string checks. Let’s see with the help of example: Use IsNullorEmpty() Method 1 2 3 [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($newVariable) OUTPUT 1 2 3 True In the above code,...
param( [ValidateDrive("C", "D", "Variable", "Function")] [string]$Path ) ValidateUserDrive 验证属性 ValidateUserDrive 属性指定参数值必须在驱动器中User表示。 如果路径引用其他驱动器,PowerShell 将生成错误。 验证属性仅测试路径的驱动器前缀是否存在。 如果使用相对路径,则当前驱动器必须...
Constructs an empty PowerShell instance; a script or command must be added before invoking this instance. CreateNestedPowerShell() Creates a nested powershell within the current instance. Nested PowerShell is used to do simple operations like checking state of a variable while another comman...
Store a text string in a variable, and then specify the variable as the value of theInputObjectparameter. If the text is stored in files, use thePathparameter to specify the path to the files. By default,Select-Stringinterprets the value of thePatternparameter as a regular expression. For...
If a parameter accepts a PSCredential object, Windows PowerShell supports several types of input, such as the following: EmptyIf you supply no input to a mandatory –credential parameter, Windows PowerShell prompts you for the user name and password. ...
Within the PROCESS script block, the $_ variable is automatically populated with the current pipeline object. So, if 10 objects are piped in, the PROCESS script block executes 10 times.Finally, after all of the piped-in objects have been executed, the END script block executes and does any...