您也可以使用if語句 scriptblock 將值指派給變數。 PowerShell $discount=if($age-ge55) {Get-SeniorDiscount}elseif($age-le13) {Get-ChildDiscount}else{0.00} 每個腳本區塊都會將命令的結果或值寫入為輸出。 我們可以將語句的結果if指派給$discount變數。 該範例可能同樣輕鬆地將這些值指派給$discount每個 scri...
bash关键字的示例包括:if、then、else、elif和fi。 cmd.exe关键字的示例包括:dir、copy、move、if和echo。 PowerShell 关键字的示例包括:for、foreach、try、catch和trap。 Shell 语言关键字只能在 shell 的运行时环境中使用。 shell 外部没有提供关键字功能的可执行文件。
以下是一个示例,演示了在PowerShell中使用IF语句处理多个条件: 代码语言:txt 复制 $condition1 = $true $condition2 = $false if ($condition1 -and $condition2) { # 当$condition1和$condition2都为真时执行的代码块 Write-Host "条件1和条件2都为真" } elseif ($condition1 -or $condition2) { #...
compare two strings in if-then-else statement Compare two text files in Powershell and if a name is found in both files output content from file 2 to a 3rd text file Compare-Object : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ReferenceObject' because it is null. Comparing 2 software versions to ...
If invoked by the system, it simply kills the PSService.ps1 -Service instance. -Remove stops the service, unregisters it using sc.exe delete $serviceName, then deletes the files in the installation directory. The implementation is also very similar to that of the Setup and Start: The defini...
The following filter takes log entries from the pipeline and then displays either the whole entry or only the message portion of the entry: PowerShell Copy filter Get-ErrorLog ([switch]$Message) { if ($Message) { Out-Host -InputObject $_.Message } else { $_ } } It can be used ...
param($ComputerName= $(throw"ComputerName parameter is required."))functionCanPing {$error.Clear()$tmp=Test-Connection$computername-ErrorActionSilentlyContinueif(!$?) {Write-Host"Ping failed:$ComputerName.";return$false}else{Write-Host"Ping succeeded:$ComputerName";return$true} }functionCanRemote...
This operator is completely opt-in so if you prefer to use if..else instead, you can certainly continue to do that. Start-Job -WorkingDirectory Those of you familiar with theStart-Jobcmdlet will have encountered that the new PowerShell process started to handle the job will have different ...
What if you install the new CTP release on your Windows Vista machine and then try to remotely run a command on a computer running Windows XP? Sorry; that’s not going to work. As Jeffrey Snover noted in the PowerShell team blog,“… remoting is only going to work FROM and TO Vista...
if ( $post ) { [pscustomobject]$ht |add-member -pass -typename $oName } $oName = ($LineToCheck -match 'Configuration') { 'IpConfiguration' } else {'EthernetAdapter'} $ht = @{}; $post = $true } else { if ( $line -match '^ [a-z]' ) { ...