PowerShell Check If File Contains String PowerShell Convert Guid to String PowerShell Split and Get Last Value Convert String to Byte Array in PowerShell Run String as Command in PowerShell PowerShell Trim String After Character PowerShell Add Quotes to StringShare...
在某些语言中,可以在if语句后放置一行代码,它将会得以执行。 在 PowerShell 中情况并非如此。 必须提供带大括号的完整scriptblock才能使其正常工作。 比较运算符 if语句最常见的用法是比较两个项。 PowerShell 具有特殊运算符,可用于不同的比较方案。 当使用比较运算符时,会将左右两侧的值进行比较。
}protectedoverrideAssemblyLoad(AssemblyName assemblyName){// We do the simple logic here of looking for an assembly of the given name// in the configured dependency directory.stringassemblyPath = Path.Combine( _dependencyDirPath,$"{assemblyName.Name}.dll");if(File.Exists(assemblyPath)) {// Th...
测试2 是否存在于集合中: if (1, 3, 5 –contains 2) 5.调用运算符 & 可用于调用脚本块或者命令/函数的名称 用法如下: a . 可用于方法调用 用法如下: a.substring(0,3) :: 用于静态方法调用 用法如下:[DateTime]::IsLeapYear(2008)结果:True[DateTime]::Now#返回当前时间6.字符串运算符+连接两个字符...
You can also specify thatSelect-Stringshould expect a particular character encoding, such as when you're searching files of Unicode text.Select-Stringuses the byte-order-mark (BOM) to detect the encoding format of the file. If the file has no BOM, it assumes the encoding is UTF8. ...
The $profile variable contains the path of your PowerShell profile. 在此處以雙引號括住的字串中,變數會由其值取代。 例如: PowerShell @" Even if you have not created a profile, the path of the profile file is:$profile. "@ 此指令輸出為: ...
Out-File[-FilePath] <string> [[-Encoding] <Encoding>] [-Append] [-Force] [-NoClobber] [-Width <int>] [-NoNewline] [-InputObject <psobject>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Out-File[[-Encoding] <Encoding>]-LiteralPath<string> [-Append] [-Force] [-NoClobber...
此命令的输出为:Output 复制 The $profile variable contains the path of your PowerShell profile. 在双引号 here-string 中,变量替换为其值。 例如:PowerShell 复制 @" Even if you have not created a profile, the path of the profile file is: $profile. "@ 此命令...
-contains 包含 用法如下: 此数组中是否包含3: 1,2,3,5,3,2 –contains 3 返回所有等于3的元素: 1,2,3,5,3,2 –eq 3 返回所有小于3的元素: 1,2,3,5,3,2 –lt 3 测试2 是否存在于集合中: if (1, 3, 5 –contains 2) 5.调用运算符 ...
-contains 包含 用法如下: 此数组中是否包含3: 1,2,3,5,3,2 –contains 3 返回所有等于3的元素: 1,2,3,5,3,2 –eq 3 返回所有小于3的元素: 1,2,3,5,3,2 –lt 3 测试2 是否存在于集合中: if (1, 3, 5 –contains 2) 5.调用运算符 ...