使用 zip() 函数、将列表转换为字符串等方法检查两个列表是否反向相等。
Write-Host“The file does not exist.” } Checking if a file exists (Image credit: Petri/Bill Kindle) These were just two basic examples of how conditional statements work in PowerShell. Let’s move on to the Else statement. Advertisement How to use the PowerShell Else statement with the...
PowerShell 7.0 introduces a ternary operator which behaves like a simplifiedif-elsestatement. PowerShell's ternary operator is closely modeled from the C# ternary operator syntax: <condition> ? <if-true> : <if-false> The condition-expression is always evaluated and its result converted to aBoole...
function Get-Power([int]$x, [int]$y) { if ($y -gt 0) { return $x * (Get-Power $x (--$y)) } else { return 1 } } Examples:PowerShell 复制 New-Object 'int[,]' 3,2 New-Object -ArgumentList 3,2 -TypeName 'int[,]' dir e:\PowerShell\Scripts\*statement*.ps1 | Forea...
The else statement is always the last part of the if statement when used. PowerShell Copy if ( Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf ) { Move-Item -Path $Path -Destination $archivePath } else { Write-Warning "$path doesn't exist or isn't a file." } In this example, we check...
dynamicparam {<statement-list>} 在语句列表中,使用 if 语句指定参数在函数中可用的条件。 以下示例演示一个函数,其中包含名为 Name 和Path 的标准参数,以及名为 KeyCount 的可选动态参数。 KeyCount 参数位于ByRegistryPath参数集中,其类型Int32为。 仅当 Path 参数的值以 HKLM:开头时,KeyCount ...
If you run theUtilityFunctions.ps1script in its own script scope, theNew-Profilefunction and the$ProfileNamevariable exist only while the script is running. When the script exits, the function and variable are removed, as shown in the following example. ...
If this function is run using the pipeline, it displays the following results: PowerShell Copy 1, 2, 4 | Get-PipelineBeginEnd Output Copy Begin: The input is End: The input is 1 2 4 When the begin statement runs, the function doesn't have the input from the pipeline. The end...
for (j = 1; j <= 10; continue; echo i.j; } if($i==5) bre ...
Here’s another nifty trick for quickly checking to see if any values exist in an array. Suppose we add the color black to our array:Copy $arrColors += "black" That means $arrColors now contains the following elements:Copy blue red green yellow white pink orange turquoise black That’...