使用 Visual Studio 编译时,让错误一开始发生时就停止编译(以便及早排查编译错误节省时间)...
Del nosuchfile-terminating.txt -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Host "script start" Raise-NonTerminatingError Raise-TerminatingError Write-Host "script end" 其中后一个函数中删除不存在文件的操作将终止所有操作,即抛出了终止错误,图2所示为执行脚本时的输出。 图2 执行脚本时的输出 在上例中显示两次错误提示,non...
if语句执行的第一步是计算括号中的表达式。 如果计算结果为$true,则执行大括号中的scriptblock。 如果值为$false,则会跳过该脚本块。 在上面的示例中,if语句仅计算$condition变量。 其计算结果为$true,将在脚本块内执行Write-Output命令。 在某些语言中,可以在if语句后放置一行代码,它将会得以执行。 在 PowerSh...
functionTrapTest {trap{"Error found:$_"} nonsenseString } TrapTest 執行此版本的函式會傳回下列輸出: Output Error found: The term 'nonsenseString' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was inc...
决定异常产生后脚本是继续执行还是停止执行与ErrorAction和Traps有关。因为Traps运行在ErrorAction之后,即使ErrorAction的参数为Stop,也有可能被Trap的设置覆盖。 因为系统中$ErrorActionPreference的默认值为Continue,下面函数中的脚本遇到错误时,会继续执行。但是Trap只会执行一次。
PS C:\PowerShell> Remove-Item mossfly.com -ErrorAction "Stop"; Write-Host "工作完成" ObjectNotFound: (C:\PowerShell\mossfly.com:String) [Remove-Item], ItemNotFoundException PS C:\PowerShell> 每次执行命令都去设定ErrorAction那也忒麻烦了。有没有全局的设置呢,那就是$ErrorActionPreference,...
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. trap 中使用$_,也就是powershell自动生成的当前对象,就会被替换成输出的错误 function TrapTest { ...
If we pass the right value, the function will format the phone number: Format-PhoneNumber-PhoneNumber 1234567890 Copy After the entered number passes the validation check, the script formats the input. I wrote this function for a PowerShell script that syncs users from a human resource i...
You stop the PowerShell script before it finishes running. In this scenario, the computer crashes. Additionally, you receive a Stop error message that resembles the following: STOP 0x000000F4 ( parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter ...
This DLL can be found both in the SDK and in the GAC, but if you don't have the SDK installed, don't worry about it. This little script can easily create the Snap-In assembly. The first thing that I need to do is create an alias for the C# compiler, once that is established ...