另外一边使用metasploit接收密码: root@wpad:~/metasploit-framework#./msfconsole -Lqmsf > use auxiliary/server/capture/http_basic msf auxiliary(http_basic)>show options Module options (auxiliary/server/capture/http_basic): Name Current Setting Required Description--- --- --- ---REALM Secure Site ...
[ ] URL 授权 Web-Url-Auth Available [ ] Windows 身份验证 Web-Windows-Auth Available [ ] 基本身份验证 Web-Basic-Auth Available [ ] 集中式 SSL 证书支持 Web-CertProvider Available [ ] 客户端证书映射身份验证 Web-Client-Auth Available [ ] 摘要式身份验证 Web-Digest-Auth Available [ ] 常见 ...
AllowBasicAuthActiveSync 开关指定是否允许使用 Exchange ActiveSync 进行基本身份验证。 不必为此开关指定值。 默认情况下,协议会阻止基本身份验证。 使用此开关可允许对协议进行基本身份验证。 展开表 Type: SwitchParameter Position: Named Default value: False Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wi...
$rule = New-AzApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRule -Name $ruleName -RuleType basic -BackendHttpSettings $poolSetting -HttpListener $listener -BackendAddressPool $pool 為未來的接聽程式設定預設 SSL 原則設定相互驗證時,您已設定了接聽程式特定的 SSL 原則。 在此步驟中,您可以選擇為您所建立的未來接聽程式設...
在PowerShell 中,按照规范需要传入一段 base64 的字符,于是代码如下 代码语言:javascript 复制 $encodedAuthString=[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("lindexi:AP7doYUzM7WApXobRb7X9qgURCF"))$Headers=@{Authorization="Basic $encodedAuthString"}Invoke-WebRequest-Metho...
如果你位于代理服务器后面,则可以在连接命令中使用PSSessionOption参数。 首先,运行此命令:$ProxyOptions = New-PSSessionOption -ProxyAccessType <Value>,其中 <Value> 为IEConfig、WinHttpConfig或AutoDetect。 然后,使用PSSessionOption参数的值$ProxyOptions。 有关详细信息,请参阅New-PSSessionOption。
Now comes a slightly wonky bit we need to do to pass our HTTP basic auth credentials to Twilio in this API request. We need to create a PSCredential to pass into the Invoke-WebRequest command. Copy code block 1 $p = $token | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force 2 $credential ...
PowerShell Remoting (PSRP) using WinRM on Unix platforms requires NTLM/Negotiate or Basic Auth over HTTPS. PSRP on macOS only supports Basic Auth over HTTPS. Kerberos-based authentication is not supported for non-Windows platforms. PowerShell also supports PowerShell Remoting (PSRP) over SSH on...
DNSRoutingEnabled parameter is set to $false. Valid values are None, BasicAuth, BasicAuthRequireTLS, ExchangeServer, and ExternalAuthoritative. All values are mutually exclusive. If you select BasicAuth or BasicAuthRequireTLS, you must use the AuthenticationCredential parameter to specify the ...
If you are still using the v1 version of the PowerShell module (New-PSSessionandImport-PSSsession), itwillstop working when Basic auth is turned off for Exchange Online (starting October 1, 2022.) \n There is 100% of parity for the RPS cmdlets between the v1, v2 a...