{ $AppName = $EnterpriseApp.DisplayName $AppID = $EnterpriseApp.Id $ApplID = $EnterpriseApp.AppId $AppCreds = Get-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $AppID | Select-Object PasswordCredentials, KeyCredentials $Secrets = $AppCreds.PasswordCredentials $Certs = $AppCreds...
# Here is how you can pass in credentials (to avoid opening a prompt).$pass=ConvertTo-SecureString"password"-AsPlainText-ForceAdd-PowerAppsAccount-Usernameuser@contoso.com-Password$pass (可選)可以定位特定端點。 預設端點為prod。 如果使用者想要運行針對非生產區域 (如 GCC) 中環境的 PowerShell 腳本...
PowerShell 复制 $Credential = $host.ui.PromptForCredential("Need credentials", "Please enter your user name and password.", "", "NetBiosUserName")此命令使用 PromptForCredential 方法提示用户输入其用户名和密码。 该命令将生成的凭据保存在 $Credential 变量中。
Here is a site that gives some examples - https://blog.kloud.com.au/2016/04/21/using-saved-credentials-securely-in-powershell-scripts/You can also leverage windows credential manager to store credentials and retrieve the crowds from there in your script - ht...
Specify Parameters to Customize how Windows PowerShell Launches Create Windows PowerShell Scripts that Accept Credentials Overview of Cmdlets Available in Windows PowerShell Enable and Use Remote Commands in Windows PowerShell Work Remotely with Windows PowerShell without using Remoting or WinRM ...
PowerShell prompts the user to enter Windows Live ID credentials.The $parameters variable is a hash table containing the parameters to be passed to the Invoke-Command cmdlet. The Invoke-Command cmdlet runs a Set-Mailbox command using the Microsoft.Exchange session configuration. The ConnectionURI ...
To pause this command and receive a prompt for credentials, use the value (Get-Credential). Or, before you run this command, store the credentials in a variable (for example, $cred = Get-Credential) and then use the variable name ($cred) for this parameter. For more information, see ...
In order to use this solution you should start by creating a subdirectory and place the four scripts below in a subdirectory of your choice. The SetupScript.ps1 will create the required subdirectory strucuture, prompt for O365 admin credentials and will genera...
To pause this command and receive a prompt for credentials, use the value (Get-Credential). Or, before you run this command, store the credentials in a variable (for example, $cred = Get-Credential) and then use the variable name ($cred) for this parameter. For more information, see ...
Using the following pnp PowerShell to get All the Public or Private Sites in SharePoint : $AdminCenterURL="https://yourtenant-admin.sharepoint.com"#Get Credentials to connect$Cred= Get-Credential#Connect to Tenant AdminConnect-PnPOnline -URL$AdminCenterURL-Credential$CredGet-...