當您搭配單一值使用 -match 時,特殊變數 $Matches 會填入相符資訊。 以這種方式處理陣列時,情況並非如此。我們可以使用 相同的方法 Select-String。PowerShell 複製 $servers | Select-String SQL 我仔細看看 Select-String,-match 另$matches 一篇文章中的 變數稱為 使用regex 的很多方式。
我想使用Powershell在Excel文档中查找特殊字符(如希腊字母),并将它们替换为HTML实体。replace()方法不区分大小写,因此[char]948 (δ)同时匹配小写增量(δ)和大写增量(Δ)字符。结果是,Excel(.xls)文件中的所有δ和Δ字符都被替换为δ。在VBA中,Range.Find()有一个MatchCase参数 ...
"Microsoft" –match "soft" "Software" –match "soft" "Computers" –match "soft" 在Windows PowerShell 中运行时,前两个表达式返回 True,第三个返回 False。在每个表达式中,字符串后均跟 –match 运算符,然后是 regex。默认情况下,regex 将在字符串中浮动查找匹配项。在 Software 和 Microsoft 中均可找到...
$value='S-ATX-SQL01'if($value-match'S-\w\w\w-SQL\d\d') {# do something} 根據預設,regex 模式會比對字串中的任何位置。 因此,您可以指定您想要比對的子字串,如下所示: PowerShell $value='S-ATX-SQL01'if($value-match'SQL') {# do something} ...
-match、 --imatch-cmatch字串符合 regex 模式 -notmatch、 --inotmatch-cnotmatch字串不符合 regex 模式 取代 -replace-creplace、-ireplace- 取代符合 regex 模式的字串 遏制 -contains-icontains-ccontains、 - 集合包含值 -notcontains-inotcontains-cnotcontains、 - 集合不包含值 ...
Find String Starting Position with regex Find string using pattern and return only the matched string Find the number of times a character '\' exists in a string Find the third indexOf a character in string Find Unknown Devices with PowerShell Find userID and Display Name from ManagedBy - ...
if ($pn -match $regex) { "($($Matches.areaCode))-$($Matches.first)-$($Matches.second)" } } You can use regular expressions to find patterns then adjust the output with PowerShell. How to use the Select-String cmdlet for PowerShell regular expressions ...
The best way to do the task is to use the most popular PowerShell keyword,regex. Using this keyword, you can provide a specific pattern that needs to match when performing the task. This article will show how to extract a specific substring from a string using the keywordregex. Also, we...
# Partial match test, showing how differently -match and -like behave "PowerShell" -match 'shell' # Output: True "PowerShell" -like 'shell' # Output: False # Regex syntax test "PowerShell" -match '^Power\w+' # Output: True 'bag' -notmatch 'b[iou]g' # Output: True 如果输入是...
The right-hand side string must adhere to the regular expressions rules. Scalar examples: PowerShell Copy # Partial match test, showing how differently -match and -like behave "PowerShell" -match 'shell' # Output: True "PowerShell" -like 'shell' # Output: False # Regex syntax test...