Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools code $profile 添加一下代码 #按f7显示历史记录functionocgv_history{$line=$null$cursor=$null[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)$selection=$input|Out-ConsoleGridView-Title"Select CommandLine from History"-...
Using theF8key, you can search for the command in history that matches the text on the current command line. For example, typeget-and pressF8. The last entry in the command history matching this text will be found. To go to the next command in history, pressF8again. You can also use...
about_History 描述如何在命令歷程記錄中取得和執行命令。 about_If 描述一個語言命令,您可以根據一或多個條件式測試的結果來執行語句清單。 about_Intrinsic_Members 提供所有 PowerShell 物件可用之 PowerShell 內建成員的相關信息。 about_Job_Details 提供有關本機和遠端電腦上背景工作的詳細數據。 about_Jobs 提供...
GetDateCommand GetErrorCommand GetEventCommand GetEventSubscriberCommand GetExecutionPolicyCommand GetExperimentalFeatureCommand GetFileHashCommand GetFormatDataCommand GetHelpCodeMethods GetHelpCommand GetHistoryCommand GetHistoryCommand Constructors Properties Count Id Methods GetHostCommand GetHotFixCommand GetItemComma...
ESC - To hide the history. F8 - Finds a command. Type one or more characters then press F8. Press F8 again the next instance. F9 - Find a command by history ID. Type the history ID then press F9. Press F7 to find the ID. #<string>Tab - Search the history for *<string>* and...
At 4096, it is unlikely that I will ever need to increase the storage space. In Windows PowerShell 1.0, it was set to 64, and I frequently was overwriting my command history. I generally do not keep the same Windows PowerShell console session open long enough to type 4096 commands—so ...
Get-History|Where-Object{$_.CommandLine-like"*Service*"} 示例3:将历史记录条目导出到特定 ID 此示例获取以条目 7 结尾的五个最新历史记录条目。 管道运算符将结果传递给Export-Csvcmdlet,此 cmdlet 将历史记录的格式设置为以逗号分隔的文本,并将其保存在 History.csv 文件中。 该文件包括将历史记录的格式设置...
HistoryPx uses proxy commands to add extended history information to PowerShell. This includes the duration of a command, a flag indicating whether a command was successful or not, the output generated by a command (limited to a configurable maximum value), the error generated by a command, an...
(Measure-Command {Dir $home -filter *.ps1 -recurse}).TotalSeconds 4,6830099 (Measure-Command {Dir $home -include *.ps1 -recurse}).TotalSeconds 28,1017376 1. 2. 3. 4. 其原因在于-include支持正则表达式,从内部实现上就更加复杂,而-filter只支持简单的模式匹配。这也就是为什么你可以使用-include...
Get-WUHistory – 显示已安装更新列表(更新历史); Get-WUInstallerStatus — 检查 Windows Installer 服务状态; Get-WUJob – 检查任务计划程序中的 WUJob 更新任务; Get-WULastResults — 上次搜索和安装更新的日期(LastSearchSuccessDate和LastInstallationSuccessDate); ...