Get-Date -UnixTimeSeconds <Int64> [-Year <Int32>] [-Month <Int32>] [-Day <Int32>] [-Hour <Int32>] [-Minute <Int32>] [-Second <Int32>] [-Millisecond <Int32>] [-DisplayHint <DisplayHintType>] [-Format <String>] [-AsUTC] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
Get-Date-UnixTimeSeconds<Int64> [-Year <Int32>] [-Month <Int32>] [-Day <Int32>] [-Hour <Int32>] [-Minute <Int32>] [-Second <Int32>] [-Millisecond <Int32>] [-DisplayHint <DisplayHintType>] [-Format <String>] [-AsUTC] [<CommonParameters>] ...
$dateTime = Get-Date $unixTimestamp = [int64]($dateTime - (Get-Date "1970-01-01")).TotalSeconds 这将返回当前时间的UNIX时间戳表示。 将UNIX时间戳转换为DateTime对象: 代码语言:txt 复制 $unixTimestamp = 1640995200 $dateTime = (Get-Date "1970-01-01").AddSeconds($unixTimestamp) 这将将UNIX...
New-Item使用Path参数指定新目录的位置。 路径包含作为目录名称的$timestamp变量。Type参数指定已创建一个目录。 示例9:转换 Unix 时间戳 此示例将 Unix 时间(由 1970-01-01 0:00:00 以来的秒数表示)转换为 DateTime。 PowerShell Get-Date-UnixTimeSeconds1577836800Wednesday, January01,202012:00:00AM ...
Convert from WindowsTime to PowerShell DateTime. (optional) Return DateTime as Coordinated Universal Time Convert-WindowsTime 132947402891099830 Convert-WindowsTime 132947402891099830 -UTC Get-UnixTime Convert PowerShell DateTime to Unix timestamp Get-Date | Get-UnixTime ...
例如,$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"将当前时间保存在变量$timestamp中,并按照指定的格式进行格式化。 收集数据并添加时间戳:根据具体的数据收集需求,可以使用Powershell的各种命令和功能来获取所需的数据。在获取数据后,可以使用字符串拼接的方式将时间戳添加到数据中。例如,假设我们要...
This command gets the current date and time and formats it in short-date and short-time format. It uses the .NET Framework g format specifier (General [short date and short time]) to specify the format. Get the date and time in UNIX format: ...
Create folder with current timestamp using powershell Create folders from CSV create hidden shares and set share permissions Create HTML body from file with variables Create HTML page using powershell Create in memory CSV file Create list of users in the Domain Admin Group who have an active acc...
Create folder with current timestamp using powershell Create folders from CSV create hidden shares and set share permissions Create HTML body from file with variables Create HTML page using powershell Create in memory CSV file Create list of users in the Domain Admin Group who have an active acc...
Computername : SRV1 Category : ipv4 Counter : datagrams/sec Instance : Value : 66.0818918347238 Timestamp : 11/4/2022 11:31:29 AM Get-MyCounter writes a custom object to the pipeline which has an associated formatting file with custom views....