Dynamic parameters can be useful, but use them only when necessary, because they can be difficult for users to discover. To find a dynamic parameter, the user must be in the provider path, use the ArgumentList parameter of the Get-Command cmdlet, or use the Path parameter of Ge...
Remove-Item "C:\Test\MyFolder" -Recurse 这个命令会删除MyFolder文件夹以及它下的所有文件和子目录。 2.强制删除只读文件 如果目录或文件包含只读属性,你可以使用-Force参数来强制删除这些文件: powershellCopy Code Remove-Item "C:\Test\MyFolder\readOnlyFile.txt" -Force -Force参数允许删除只读文件,系统文件...
Get-ChildItem -Path $log_folder -Recurse -include * | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)} | Remove-Item -Verbose #if ($arrService.Status -eq 'Running') #{ # Write-Host "To delete Logs, Temporary Datas etc. must all serveices be stopped. Please start script...
PS C:\Scripts>Get-ChildItemDirectory: C:\Scripts Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- --- --- ---a---8/28/20181:36PM58script name with spaces.ps1 PS C:\Scripts>".\script name with spaces.ps1".\script name with spaces.ps1 PS C:\Scripts> &".\script name with spaces.ps1"Hello ...
If the path is set, you'll see an entry similar toC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\PowerShell\Modules. If the path isn't set, locate the SQLPS folder on your server and add it to the environment variable value either through PowerShell or inSystem Properties>Advance...
Firewall Ports Listing - Get-NetFirewallRule First days of the month First line only executes in Batch file (PowerShell Scripts) Flashing Text in PowerShell? Flatten all arrays in an object Folder lock using powershell Folders Synchronization with powershell For loop writing to same line in...
That’s fine, but suppose this isn’t the folder you usually work in; maybe you usually work in your C:Scripts folder. That means that, every single time you start Windows PowerShell, the first thing you have to do is change directories to the C:Scripts folder. Not a big deal, but...
Firewall Ports Listing - Get-NetFirewallRule First days of the month First line only executes in Batch file (PowerShell Scripts) Flashing Text in PowerShell? Flatten all arrays in an object Folder lock using powershell Folders Synchronization with powershell For loop writing to same line in ex...
Then assign fancy formatting for the process name (and only the process name) to the variable $a, and use the following as command number 2:Copy Get-Process | Format-Table $a,ID In other words, we’re asking Format-Table to display two items in the table: the fancy formatting saved...