Get-ChildItem-Path "C:\Path\To\Directory"-Filter"*.txt" 列出指定目录下的文件,排除子目录: powershellCopy Code Get-ChildItem-Path"C:\Path\To\Directory"-File 获取目录下的文件和文件夹的详细信息: powershellCopy Code Get-ChildItem -Path"C:\Path\To\Directory"|Select-ObjectName, Length, LastWriteT...
Get-ChildItem [[-Path] <string[]>] [[-Filter] <string>] [-Include <string[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Recurse] [-Depth <uint>] [-Force] [-Name] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 复制 Get-ChildItem [[-Filter] <string>] -LiteralPath <string[]> [-Include <string[]>]...
-Include:进一步指定文件/文件夹的匹配模式(与 -Filter 协同工作)。 -Exclude:排除匹配模式的文件/文件夹。 -Recurse:递归遍历子目录。 -Depth:限制递归深度。 -Force:包括隐藏文件和系统文件。 -Name:仅返回文件/文件夹的名称,而不是完整路径。 -Attributes:基于文件属性(如只读、系统)筛选。 -FollowSymlink:跟踪...
例如Get-ChildItem C:\ 替代 Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ Show-Command cmdlet 命令可以在windows上以GUI的方式列出命令的参数名称 Powershell...中, 这也是powershell仅支持的两种扩展方式...提供支持-WhatIf和-Confirm参数, 保证我们在正式执行这部分脚本之前可以对它们进行测试 Filter 在cmdlet中操作提供程序...
一日一技是一个每天更新的栏目,力图做到让你每天用2分钟的时间掌握一个开发技巧。 --- tar压缩文件...
Gets or sets max depth of recursion; automatically sets Recurse parameter; Value '0' will show only contents of container specified by -Path (same result as running 'Get-ChildItem' without '-Recurse'); Value '1' will show 1 level deep, etc...; Default is uint.MaxValue - it performs ...
It applies the filter on the given path first, and then to the child items - and that first application may prevent child items from getting considered at all. Situationally, it still happens to work as expected, as in @jszabo98's get-childitem c:\windows -directory -exclude winsxs examp...
Filter Win32_GroupUser Class > Invalid Query Filtering an Array of Objects filtering event logs with specific date range Filtering files by date (Get-Childitem | Select-Object | Where-Object) - what am I doing wrong? Filtering on NoteProperty Find a empty and not empty value in 2 lines in...
You can use this command to convert results of a Get-WinEvent command into a PowerShell custom object with additional information. PS C:\> Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Logname='System';ID=7045} -MaxEvents 1| Convert-EventLogRecord LogName : System RecordType : Information TimeCreated : ...