#获取OU 信息Get-ADOrganizationalUnit-filter* |Select-ObjectDistinguishedName |Export-Csv-Path'C:\LocalTemp\OUlist.csv'-EncodingUTF8 二:用户数据导出 点击查看代码 get-aduser-Filter*-Properties*|Select-Object SamAccountName,Name,DisplayName,DistinguishedName,CN,Department,Description,EmailAddress,telephoneN...
一、Get-User单用户查询 $User=Get-ADUser -identity wendy -Properties * 二、Get-User多用户循环查询 View Code 三、ou查询 functions代码如下,参考http://www.JSchofield22.wordpress.com的代码 View Code
Filter Array By Column Filter Distribution Group based on Names - Exchange Filter for enabled AD account as well as Object class = user. Filter issue (modified/modifyTimestamp) Filter out Get-WmiObject Win32_service for a list of services Filter scheduled tasks for ones whose action properties ...
Hi , i run blow powershell command on AD to edit adusers properties Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=Users,OU=Users,OU=APAC,OU=Tenants,DC=,DC=*,DC=***" -Filter * -Properties SamAccountName,City,Postalcoda,State | Where-Object {$_.City -eq…
Now you only need to use the command for extracting LogonDate for each Domain Controller generated by the command above - code below: #$iter = 0 $domains = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Select-Object name foreach($domain in $domains) { $domain.name Get-A...
在版本 1.4 之前,Microsoft Entra Connect 将 Microsoft Entra 同步到包含至少一个证书的任何计算机,但在 Microsoft Entra Connect 版本 1.4 及更高版本中,ADSync 引擎可以识别 Microsoft Entra 混合加入证书并将“cloudfilter”(排除)计算机对象同步到 Microsoft Entra ID,除非存在有效的Microsoft Entra 混合加入证书。
The Search-ADAccount cmdlet exposes the PasswordExpired property. This property can be retrieved, but you cannot filter on this property. Also, this cmdlet supports a -PasswordExpired parameter to retrieve accounts where the password is expired. However, the parameter does not work. ...
PowerShell Copy Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties OfficePhone | FT OfficePhone,UserPrincipalName This final example retrieves a subset of AD DS users (those in the Marketing OU) and modifies their properties by adding a description to each account.PowerShell Copy ...
Get-ADUser -filter * -properties PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires -SearchBase 'OU=NY,DC=woshub,DC=com'| where {$_.name –like "*Dmitry*" -and $_.Enabled -eq $true} | sort-object PasswordLastSet | select-object Name, PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExp...
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase ‘ou=testou,dc=iammred,dc=net’ -Properties proxyaddresses | Select-object name, proxyaddresses There are two reasons that I create this command. The first is so I can ensure that I have theProperty(attribute) names correct, and I can see s...