Get-Process|Where-Object{$_.mainWindowTitle} |Format-TableId, Name, mainWindowtitle-AutoSize 此命令获取具有主窗口标题的所有进程,并在表中显示这些进程及其进程 ID 和进程名称。 mainWindowTitle属性只是Get-Process返回的Process对象的众多有用属性之一。 若要查看所有属性,请通过管道将Get-Process命...
How can I use Windows PowerShell to find the title of the Word document that is currently in the foreground when I have several documents open? TheGet-Processcmdlet with theMainWindowTitleproperty will list the title of the Word document. This example presents the main window title and ...
Assembly: System.Management.Automation.dll Package: System.Management.Automation v7.4.0 Main window title of the process. C# Copy public string MainWindowTitle { get; } Property Value String Applies to ProductVersions PowerShell SDK 7.2.0, 7.3.0, 7.4.0 Windows PowerShell In...
Get-WindowTitle.ps1 I do this so frequently that I finally put it into a script called Get-WindowTitle.ps1 . Get-Process |where {$_.mainWindowTItle} |format-table id,name,mainwindowtitle –AutoSize Here is what it does: [4696:0]PS> Get-WindowTitle Id Name MainWindowTitle ——- —...
Window PowerShell Cmdlet 是建置在應用程式介面頂端的公用程式,若是在 SharePoint 2010、SharePoint 物件模組及 SharePoint Web 服務中,則是可讓管理員完成許多工作的公用程式。 一般而言,Cmdlet 是使用「動詞-名詞」配對。名詞指定您要取得其相關資訊的物件,或是您要操作的物件,而動詞是描述您要對該物件做的事。
我使用FlaUI( UIA2和UIA3自动化API的.NET包装器)实现了这一功能。虽然.NET框架已经包含了一个UI自动...
OpsMgr 2007 allows you to put a Windows® service, or even a particular database, into maintenance mode instead of an entire computer or group. There are three cmdlets that deal specifically with maintenance mode tasks: Get-MaintenanceWindow, New-MaintenanceWindow, and Set-MaintenanceWindow....
Calling Start-Process with arguments with spaces fails Calling the same function from within the function (calling itself) Can a file be too large to be read with Get-Content ? Can a webpage be opened in a browser by a PowerShell command, but leave the PowerShell console window as the ...
Calling Start-Process with arguments with spaces fails Calling the same function from within the function (calling itself) Can a file be too large to be read with Get-Content ? Can a webpage be opened in a browser by a PowerShell command, but leave the PowerShell console window as the ...
Copy and save locally the value of the secret that appears- you won’t see it again after you leave this part of the UI. \n \n Open a new PowerShell window, change to the directory where the file is located and typeImport-Module.\\sample-ar-app-permissions.psm1 ...