Each of the methods mentioned above can also be used to check software installed on other machines in the same network. If you create a list of all the computer names in your network, you can use the methods below within a Foreach loop to return results from more than a single remote P...
Use this method to install the ARM-based version of PowerShell on computers like the Microsoft Surface Pro X. For best results, install PowerShell to the to$env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\7folder. Install as a .NET Global tool If you already have the.NET Core SDKinstalled, you can install ...
PowerShell and Windows PowerShell are separately installed and you can run supported commands using either environment.Standard Windows licensing agreements don't include PowerShell. Rather, it's supported under Microsoft paid support, Microsoft Enterprise Agreements, and Microsoft Software Assurance. ...
Function Get-SPInventory ([string]$filename) { $names = Get-Content $filename Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem –comp $names | Select CSName,BuildNumber,ServicePackMajorVersion } 您可以看到,我只是将有效代码包含在名为 Get-SPInventory 的函数中。我已使用名为 $filename 的输入参数对其进行定义,...
sudo apt-get install -y wget apt-transport-https software-properties-common # Get the version of Ubuntu source /etc/os-release # Download the Microsoft repository keys wget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/$VERSION_ID/packages-microsoft-prod.deb # Register the Microsoft repository...
Last but not least, if you haven’t already installed Windows PowerShell, what are you waiting for? Download it frommicrosoft.com/powershell. Have fun. Thorbjörn Sjövoldis the CTO and founder of Special Operations Software (www.specopssoft.com), a provider of Group Policy based Systems...
接受通配符: False输出SoftwareIdentity[]备注在命令中包含包提供程序可以使动态参数可用于 cmdlet。 动态参数特定于包提供程序。 Get-Help cmdlet 列出了 cmdlet 的参数集,并包括提供程序的参数集。 例如,Get-Package 具有PowerShellGet 参数集,其中包括 -NoPathUpdate、AllowClobber和SkipPublisherCheck。重要...
The earliest version of PackageManagement (version did not ship with the NuGet provider, so any use of PowerShellGet also required that the NuGet provider be bootstrapped or explicitly installed. Understandably, it can be a source of deep frustration when the tool you use to install...
Run Convert To-HTML: allows to create of In addition, the reports with tables Run Get-Process: to see all active processes on your computer Allows working on Program limitationsOn a business-wide scale, the tool enables you to work on any software or program limitations, such as reconfiguring...
By default, the Install-Module and Install-Script commands will install the most recent available version of a package. Include the -RequiredVersion argument in your call to configure the package if you need to use an earlier version of the software. ...