}#***导入AD的PowerShell执行模块Import-Module ActiveDirectory#***读取计算机文件TXT(格式一行一个)$computerObjects= Get-Content d:\ps\zj_xp.txt#***要移动的计算机到目标的所在的OU$TargetOUPath="OU=xp_zj,OU=Remote Desktop Users,DC=sh-real,DC=com"#***得到服务名称$serverName=$env:COMPUTERNAME...
$UserList = @() #遍历OU Foreach ($OU in $OUs) { #查询当前OU的所有用户 $Users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OU -Filter * -SearchScope 1 #遍历用户 Foreach ($User in $Users) { #将用户名和OU信息添加到数组 $UserList += [PSCustomObject]@{ OU = $OU.Name Name = $User.Name } } ...
#判断用户是否存在,若不存在则创建用户#判断用户所在OU是否正确,若不正确则移动至正确目录foreach($userinImport-Csv'C:\Users\sa.hans.han\Desktop\Userlist.csv') {try{$user_exist=get-aduser-Identity$user.SamAccountNameif($user_exist.DistinguishedName.split(',',2)[1]-ne$user.DistinguishedName.spli...
安装该命令: " yum install -y expect fi #判断/data/user_passwd文件是否已经存在 #若存...
Often as a Windows system administrator, you will need to retrieve lists of users from (an OU in) Active Directory. Here I demonstrate a few ways of doing it with PowerShell, using Get-ADUser from the Microsoft AD cmdlets, Get-QADUser from theQuest ActiveRoles cmdletsand also with LDAP/...
How to use Powershell script to get OU info for current logged in user How to use PowerShell to enter credentials to login popup that comes while visiting particular site How to use PowerShell to Remove "Hidden" Devices - A Scripting Question How to use powershell to search AD where the...
$users=get-aduser -Filter * -SearchBase "ou=,dc=,dc=" -Properties * | %{$_.Samaccountname} foreach ($user in $users) { set-aduser $user -ChangePasswordAtLogon:$true Set-ADUser $user -ChangePasswordAtLogon:$false } ___ 这样修改完全部用户后,再修改密码到期时间为90天,再配置密码到...
Eine gültige Eingabe für diesen Parameter ist eine Organisationseinheit (OU) oder Domäne, die vom Cmdlet Get-OrganizationalUnit zurückgegeben wird. Sie können jeden beliebigen Wert verwenden, sofern er die Organisationseinheit oder Domäne eindeutig kennzeichnet. Beispiel: Name Name Distinguished...
You might also want to manage multiple object types in a single operation, such as moving users and computers from one OU to another OU. The Active Directory module provides cmdlets that allow you to create, delete, and modify these objects and thei...